Armenia Regional Aikido Center of
Moscow Branch of Aikido World Headquarters "AIKIKAI HOMBU DOJO"

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The secret of Aikido is to harmonize ourselves with the movement of the universe and bring ourselves into accord with the universe itself. He who has gained the secret of Aikido has the universe in himself and can say, "I am the universe."

What is Aikido?
The Japanese word Aikido is written with three characters which translate as "the way of unity with the fundamental force of the universe". Aikido is a true Martial Way that evolved in the historic tradition of Japanese warrior arts. Studied in earnest, aikido is more than a science of tactics and self-defense - it is a discipline for perfecting the spirit.
Aikido was developed by Morihei Ueshiba, known as
O-Sensei (Great Teacher).
Transformed by his spiritual insights, Ueshiba's technical mastery evolved into a martial art of refinement and astonishing power, fundamentally different from those that preceded it. There have always been visionaries of remarkable insight, but O-Sensei taught that true awareness is not grasped by intellect alone. "This is not mere theory," he said. "You must practice it."

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