Askanaz Kyureghyan, Ph.D.
Email: askkur@gmail.com
Tel.: +374 (91)49-77-37
- Born on 28 August 1976 In Yerevan , Armenia. Armenian, male.
Educational Background
1999 - 2002 received Candidate of Technical sciences( PHD ). In the Field of Automatized Systems. State Engineering University of Armenia. Yerevan, Armenia
1999 - 2001 received Diploma of Research Engineer's Degree in the Field of Control Systems and Automatization. State Engineering University of Armenia. Yerevan, Armenia
- 1997 - 1999 received Diploma of Master Degree in the Field of Information and Computer Systems. State Engineering University of Armenia. Yerevan, Armenia
- 1993 - 1997 received Diploma of Bachelor in the Filed of Programming and Mathematic Provision of Calculating Technics and Automatic Control Systems and Planning. State Engineering University of Armenia. Yerevan, Armenia
- 1983 – 1993 Studied in school #42. Yerevan , Armenia
Selected List of Publications
Generalized Differential-Pade Transformations. "Simulation, Optimization and Control ", Collection of Scientific Works, SEUA, Yerevan, 2002, #5 ppp.5-9.
The solution of the problem of Program Module Optimal Disposition in multilevel Memory of a Computer on the Bases of DP Transformations. Simulation, Optimization and Control ", Collection of Scientific Works, SEUA, Yerevan, 2002, #5 ppp.67-73.
A Package of Applied Program to solve Finite Problems on the basis of DP Transformations. Annual Scientific Conference, SEUA, Collection of Articles, Yerevan 2000, V.2. pp 330-331.
Software to Solve Finite Problems on the basis of DP Transformations. Annual Scientific Conference, SEUA, Collection of Articles, Yerevan 2001, V.1. pp 353-354.
Diferencial-Pade Local Model of Continuous Problems of Mathematical Programming. "Izvestya of NAS of RA and SEUA" -2001.- T LIV, #1, -pp 95-103.
Differential-Pade Matrix-Vector Model to Solve the System of Non-autonomous, Non-linear Equations. Simulation, Optimization and Control ", Collection of Scientific Works, SEUA, Yerevan, 2001, #4 pp.41-50.
Work Experience
1999 – 2000 Tayer Marketing Yerevan , Armenia
- System of Database Control of Company.
Software Engineer / System Analyst
1999 – 2002 State Engineering University of Armenia Yerevan , Armenia
- MS Office(MS Excel, MS Word, MS Access), Visual C++ 6.0, Visual Basic 6.0, SQL standard.
Lector of Programming
Since 2001 State Engineering University of Armenia Yerevan , Armenia
- Networking, Modeling, Optimization...
Supervision of Diploma Projects
Since 2002 State Engineering University of Armenia Yerevan , Armenia
- CCNA course
Instructor of Cisco Networking Academy Program
Since 2000 State Engineering University of Armenia Yerevan , Armenia
- Research engeneer in the Scientific Section of SEUA
Since - 2002 "EPYGI Labs" LLC Yerevan , Armenia
- Programmer - Softtware tester
Other skills
2001 – 2002 State Engineering University of Armenia. Yerevan , Armenia
- Diploma of Cisco Networking Academy Program. Semesters 1 and 2.Certificate# :157786-278665-583134.
2002– 2003 State Engineering University of Armenia. Yerevan , Armenia
- Diploma of Cisco Networking Academy Program. Semesters 3 and 4.Certificate# : .
Professional skills
Programming languages: C/C++, VisualBasic, Visual C++, SQL, JavaScript, Studio .NET( C#, VB ).
Markup languages: XML, HTML.
Operating systems: Windows 95/98/NT/2000/XP, MS-DOS, UNIX.
Programming environments: Visual C++ 6.0, MFC 6.0, MSSQLServer 6.5 MSSQLServer 7.0, MSRASServer, MSRAS&Routing, MySQL, PostgresSQL.
Program packages: MS-Office 2000, MS-OfficeXP, CorelDraw , Flash, PhotoShop .
Technologies: Internet, ASP, ADO , RDO, ODBC, UNIX ODBC
Research Interests
Telecommunication Systems
Data Structures and Algorithms
- Reading, tennis, swimming, music.
Language Prificiency
- Armenian - native, Russian – fluent, English - Excellent, German - fair.