
  The daughter of a sultan, Jasmine,runs away from home and meets Aladdin , who shows her around the city. After his father's death, he meets a magician who poses as his uncle and persuades Aladdin to retrieve a wonderful lamp from a hidden cave.

  When Aladdin fails to give the lamp to the magician before emerging from the cave, the magician becomes enraged and seals the cave, leaving Aladdin to die. In his misery Aladdin weeps and wrings his hands, releasing a genie from a ring the magician had given him. The genie frees Aladdin. The magician returns to steal the lamp, but is defeated.

  Genie grants Aladdin his 2 wishes , and he eventually becomes immensely wealthy and marries Jasmine. When time comes for Aladdin's third wish, he frees the Genie. Aladdin, Jasmine, Genie, Magic Carpet and the parrot Jago have a lot of interesting adventures.

Quote: The Genie (to the Magic Carpet): “Yo, rug-man! Haven’t seen you in a few millennia. Give me some tassel!”