1959-1967 - The high school, "Gold Medal"
1967-1972 - Chemical Department, Yerevan State University, "Diploma
With Distinction"
1973-1976 - Post Graduate Courses of National Academy of Science
Physical chemistry of formaldehyde and organic peroxides, chemistry
and geochemistry of caves, ecology, alternative energy. He built the
first industrial reactors of biogas in Armenia and Georgia (city Batumi).
The mountains, caves, ancient petrogliphs and astronomical legends of
Armenia, World Flood and Noah’s Ark. He discovered the ancient Armenian
manuscripts in caves as well the caves in Eghegnadzor region of Armenia.
The founder of Speleology in Armenia
Scientific degree - 1978 Dr. Ph( Chemistry )
From 1998 Representative of Sity Hall of Spitak in Yerevan, Assistant
to Mayor of Spitak city.
From 1995 General expert of Chemistry, Yerevan Computer Research Institute
1994-1995 Chief of Technical Department, Factory of Composition Materials
1991-1994 Technical Director of "Biogas" program, Green Union of Armenia
1991-1993 Owner of Fishing farm
1991-1992 President of private company "Tsovinar"
1985-1991 Thechnologe of Industry Department, chief of different departments,
"Nairit" Chemical Factory
1984-1985 Leading expert, Institute of Geology of National Academy of
1976-1984 Leading expert and expert, Institute of Physical Chemistry