Decomposition of H2O2 in solid surface, independent of the activity of latter, are realized by first order (W=K[H2O2] ). By direct Electron Paramagnetic Rezonans measurement shows [60], that decomposition of H2O2 on the comparatively passive surfaces ( glass, SiO2, - AI2O3 and others) leads to the formation of OH and HO2 radicals. On the surface of active oxides also an ionic states are formed. In particular on the surface of ZnO O2-- anion- radical are observed. From all the investigated surfaces, of course, decomposition of H2O2 the radicals HO2 escape into the volume. An exception is some materials, with which H2O2 enters in direct chemical interaction. This will be discussed below. The detail investigations bring to conclusion, that decomposition of H2O2 on passive surfaces goes mainly by radical mechanism [61] . The general outlines of the mechanism is as follows: 1. 2Z + H2O2 ® 2Z ... OH 2. Z ... OH +H2O2 ---- a® Z ...HO2 +H2O ----- b ® Z ...H2O + HO2 escape into volume 3. Z ... OH + Z ... HO2 ® Z ...H2O + Z ... O2 Where Z is the surface active center, on which chemosorbtion of H2O2 takes place. According to mentioned scheme the molecule of H2O2 decayed in two OH radicals (reaction 1 ) on the surface, which meekly is connected with the active center of surface ( Z ... OH ). Then adsorbed OH radicals react with H2O2 molecules, which come from the gas phase (reaction 2) forming HO2 radicals and molecules of water. The radicals mainly (>99%) adsorbed on the surface (reaction 2a ). The intangible part of them because of steric difficulties escape into gas volume during the formation (reaction 2b). The adsorbed radicals OH and HO2, in consequence of diffusion with each other forming water and oxygen (reaction 3). In this case the radicals were present on both the surface of solid body, and in gas volume by form of HO2 radicals. It was shown, that the adsorbed radicals have the activity of free radicals. They, in particular on the surface realize the chemical reactions of very different character and show interesting peculiarities. From this point of view many questions of heterogen processes were explained. Particularly the presence of chain reaction on the surface of solid body in the processes of oxidation of organic compounds are assented experimentally [62]. Taking into account that this processes almost begin from the room temperature then we can assume, that the reactions of this type are possible and on the walls of the cave causing formation of different compounds. That is very interesting for cave chemistry, but there is an object of other consideration. Let`s stop in details on the process of other nature, during which H2O2 directly reacts with different solid materials. The part of this reactions occur at first, in which especially are interesting that during which the cristalic solid compound in consequence of reaction transfers into gas phase in ,,overequilibrium,, quantities (105 times more) [52],[63]. This phenomenon to our opinion will be very important for understanding of many processes, in the cave and for to widen the possibility of their practical use. |