As it was said by special experiments it has been shown, that the conditions of freeze and the surroundings of matrix affect to the appearance of HO2 radicals. The spectrum of radicals somehow changes the dependence of the quantities of polar and nonpolar substances [47]. However the spectrums, brought in the Figure 60b- 60d considerably differ from the specter of HO2. That is difficult to present as a distorted specter of HO2 (for example in the presence of salts). It was shown that this spectrums concern to stabile compounds, which have paramagnetic properties. The mixture, which are accumulated in the frozen knot, heated at room temperature and then again frozen, the EPR apparatus again registers the same signal. This is a witness, that the unknown signals concern to the stabile compounds. The investigations showed that the dioxides of halogens (HlO2 ) have paramagnetic properties. In particular we received ClO2 by adding concentric H2SO4 on KClO3. The spectrum of ClO2 by its all parameters is identical with the spectrums which are brought in the Figure 60d. This is asserted by the results, brought in the works [62],[65]. It is necessary to note, that with HlO2 simultaneously corresponding hydroxide [Me(OH)n] is formed[62], which stays on the cristalic surface of salt and after a certain period of time covers it totally. We do not appeal to the detail mechanism of the process and note only that probably this proceeds by two stages. At first the chemosorbsion of H2O2 takes place with formation of transition complex MeHln......OH: 1. H2O2+ MeHln ® MeHln.......OH. After that the complex again reacts with H2O2: 2. MeHln......OH + H2O2 ® Me(OH)n + Hl O2. It forms hydroxide of metal and dioxide of halogen. So interaction of the steam of H2O2 with halogenids at low temperatures (begin from room temperature) brings to phase transition of salt (solid - gas ), and at high temperatures (> 1500 C) formation of halogen dioxide and corresponding hydroxide. |