A lightning devastation divides cave air into three reactionary zones ( Figure 69 ). In the center, in the devastation channel ( a ) plasma occurs. The high pressure zone ( b ) spreads in two sides of it. Then low pressure (c) zone comes. Figure 69. The slit of the devastation channel. ( b ) zone is empty inside cylindrical volume, where pressure decreases with increase of radius. Here strong percussion wave appears, equation of which radial part is ( 1 ) expression. And the pressure, creating on the peak of a wave is ( 2 ) expression. When we put ( 1 ) into ( 2 ), we get ( 3 ) equation, which creates connection between the pressure and time of a percussion wave: t = 0,2. ( W . d )0,5 . P-1. ( 3 ). In the percussion way the following three reactions can proceed: a. It is a clean air ( N2 + O2 ). b. There is CO2 in air [52]. c. There is CH4 in air [52]. In the center of devastation, in the channel plasma origins, duration of life of which is 10-5 seconds. In that period because of electric irritation of air ozone and oxides of nitrogen origin. Concentration of ozone reaches up to 3 %, and concentration of oxides lower to one category [52, 64, 72]. The mechanism of ozone origin is the following [9]: O2 + e ® O + O + e O + O2 ® O3 Generated ozone interacting with water vapors existing in air generate hydrogen peroxide: H2O + O3 ® H2O2 + O2 ( 4 ) Active ozone is turned into comparably passive hydrogen peroxide, then the last one is able to carry a number of oxide restoration reactions. In difference to ozone, synthesis of ammonium during devastation is the exothermic reaction [9]: 1/2N2 + 3/2H2 ® NH3 + 11,0 kkal ( ~50 kJ ) ( 5 ) But because of molecules activation this reaction also needs energy expenditure. The initial act of this process is the following: N2+ + H2 ® N2H+ + H ( 6 ) Except N2+ other particles also participate in ammonium origin, but this phenomenon is less investigated in general. Obviously, they proceed on the walls of a cave, as how experiments show, the vessel walls condition, in which the reaction proceeds. So, in different rocks, which occurred in caves, different outputs of ammonium must be expected. The output of ammonium synthesis reaction is small, as ammonium origin goes in parallel with the process of decomposition. The most important of nitrogen conversions is the possibility of saltpeter origin, as the result of interaction of ammonium occurring in time of a lightning devastation, nitrogen dioxide and water: NH3 + NO2 + H2O ® NH4NO3 ( 7 ) Saltpeter is a typical cave mineral [25]. Then molecules of saltpeter can pass into the depth of a cave with air flows or water. In caves, methane is met in acceptable quantities [52]. The synthesis of acetylene compete with the traditional way of generation of acetylene of carbide at present with the method of electric devastation of methane. Consequently, acetylene origin is also obvious in time of a lightning devastation. All kinds of molecules: N2, O2, H2O, CO2, CH4 and others, existing in air are ionized and dissociated in devastation channel. Many different kinds of ions and atoms: H, OH, CO, CO2+, CH3, CH2 and others origin, which are subjected to future conversion. The reactions connected with CO2 decomposition get a special meaning, as how V. N. Dublianski showed [74] , the percentage of CO2 is high in caves in general and sometimes it reaches tens percents. One of the important reactions is the reaction of carbon dioxide gas: CO2 « CO + 1/2O2 ( 8 ) This balance is quick and it moves to the right in high temperatures. So in 800 OC 80% of CO2 is changed into CO [74] . In devastation channel generating also in plasma, where high temperatures exceed, carbon dioxide gas decompose acceptably into CO and oxygen. |