In the work [103] the mechanism of the organic substances anaerobic decomposition is presented, As it is seen from the presented mechanism, the process of organic substances anaerobic decomposition proceeds with peroxide mechanism, where the role of performic acid HCO3H is important. 26 reactions of 41 presented proceed with HCO3H participation. Those are the following reactions: Some reactions of fermentative bacteria CH3COCOO- + CH3COO- + NADH + H+ = CH3CH2CH2COO- + NAD+ + HCO3- NA- not applicable 2CH3COCOO- + 2H2O = CH3CH2CH2COO- + 2HCO- + H+ CH3COCOO- + HCO3- + 2NADH + 2H+ = -OOCCH2CH2COO- + 2H2O +2 NAD+ CH3COCOO- + H2O + NADH + H+ = CH3CH2OH + HCO3- + NAD+ CH3CHOHCOO- = 2CH3CH2COO- + CH3COO- + HCO3- + H+ CH3COCOO- + 2H2O = CH3COO- + HCO3- + H+ + H2 Some reactions of methanogenic bacteria 4H2 + HCO3- + H+ = CH4 + 3H2O 4HCO2- + H2O + H+ = CH4 + 3HCO3- 4CH3OH = 3CH4 + HCO3- + H+ + H2O CH3COO- + H2O = CH4 + HCO3- 4CH3NH3+ + 3H2O = 3CH4 + 4NH4+ + HCO3- +H+ Reaction of sufate - reducing bacteria 2CH3CHOHCOO- + SO4-2 = 2CH3COO- + HS- + H+ +2HCO3- Some idealized reactions of fermentative bacteria ( without H2 - utilizing methanogenic bacteria ) C6H12O6 + 2CH3COO- = 2CH3CH2COO- + 2HCO3- +2H+ C6H12O6 + H2O = CH3CH2COO- + CH3COO- + HCO3- + H2 + 3H+ C6H12O6 + 2H2O = 2CH3CH2OH + 2HCO3- + 2H+ ( with H2 - utillizing methanogenic bacteria ) C6H12O6 + H2O = 2CH3COO- + CH4 + HCO3- +3H+ Some reactions of proton - reducing acetogenic bacteria ( without H2 - utilizing methanogenic bacteria ) CH3CHOHCOO- + 2H2O = CH3COO- + HCO3- + H+ +2H2 C7H6O2 + 7H2O = 3CH3COO- + HCO3- +3H2 ( with H2- utilizing methanogenic bacteria ) 2CH3CHOHCOO- + H2 = 2CH3COO- + HCO3- + CH4 + H+ 2CH3CH2OH + HCO3- = 2CH3COO- + CH4 + H2O + H+ 2CH3CH2CH2COO- + HCO3- + H2O = 4CH3COO- + CH4 + H+ 2CH3CH2CH2CH2COO- + HCO3- + H2O = 2CH3CH2COO- + 2CH3COO- + CH4 + H+ 2CH3(CH2)14COO- + 7HCO3- + 7H2O = 16CH3COO- + 7CH4 + 7H+ 4C7H6O2 + 19H2O = 12CH3COO- + 3CH4 + HCO3- + 9H+ Complete degradation to CO2 and CH4 C6H12O6 + 3H2O = 3CH4 + 3HCO3- + 3H+ 2CH3CHOHCOO- + 3H2O = 3CH4 + 3HCO3- +H+ There is the following relation between the free energy change of the chemical reaction and the reaction speed stability [22]: -D GO` = 4,575 . T ( lnK - 10,3 - lnT ). This expression gives the opportunity to calculate the speed stability of the reactions proceeding with HCO3H participation for each reaction. The calculations are based on the thing, that H2 and CH4 are in gas phase and the substance concentration which are in solution are 1 mol. lnK = lnT + D GO` : ( 4,575 . T ) + 10,3. |