'Famine' (Words and music by Sinéad O'Connor, David Clayton, John Reynolds, Timothy Simenon, John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Thelonious Monk and Bok/Harnick) O K, __ I want to talk a-bout Ire-land, spe-ci-fi-cally, I want to talk a-bout the fam-ine, a-bout the fact that there nev-er real-ly was one. There was no 'fam-ine'. Fm9 See I-rish people were on-ly al-lowed to eat po-ta-toes, Bb9 all of the other food, meat, fish, vege-ta-bles, Fm9 were shipped out of the country un-der armed guard Bb9 to Eng-land, while the I-rish peo-ple starved, Fm9 and then in the mid-dle of all this, Bb9 they gave us mon-ey not to teach our child-ren I-rish, Fm9 and so we lost __ our hist-ory Bb9 and this is what I think is still hurt-ing me. ____ See, we're like a child that's been bat-tered, has to drive it-self out of it's head, be-cause it's frightened, still feels all the pain-ful feel-ings, but they lose con-tact with the me-mo-ry, and this leads to mass-ive self-de-struc-tion, al-co-hol-is-m, drug ad-dic-tion, ___ all des-per-ate at-tempts at run-ning, and in it's worst form, ___ be-comes ac-tu-al killing. Fm9 and if there ev-er is gon-na be heal-ing, Bb9 there has to be re-mem-ber-ing, __ and then grieving; Fm9 so that the then can be ___ for-giv-ing, ___ Bb9 there has to be know-ledge, and un-der-stand-ing. Bb9 All the lone-ly peo-ple, Fm9 Bb9 where do ___ they all ___ come from? ___ An A-me-ri-can ar-my re-gu-la-tion says you must-n't kill more than 10 per-cent of a na-tion, cos' to do so caus-es per-ma-nent 'pys-cho-lo-gi-cal dam-age' It's not per-ma-nent, but they did-n't know that, a-ny-way, dur-ing the sup-posed 'fam-ine', we lost a lot more than 10 per-cent of our nat-ion through deaths on land, or in ships of e-mi-gra-tion, but what fi-nal-ly borke us was not star-vation, but its Fm9 use in the con-trol-ing of our e-du-ca-tion. Bb9 Schools go on a-about 'Black For-ty Sev-en', Fm9 on and on a-bout 'The Ter-ri-ble Fam-ine,' Bb9 but what they don't say is in truth Fm9 there real-ly nev-er was one. Fm9 Bb9 All the lone-ly peo-ple, Fm9 Bb9 where do ____ they all __________ come from ? Bb9 All the lone-ly peo-ple, Fm9 Bb9 Where do ____ they all belong? ___ Fm9 So lets take a look shall we? _ Bb9 The high-est sta-tis-tics of child a-buse in the E.E.C. Fm9 and we say we're a Christ-ian coun-try, Bb9 but we've lost con-tact with our hist-ory, Fm9 See, we use to wor-ship God as a mo-ther __ Bb9 We're suf-fering from Post Trau-ma-tic Stress Dis-or-der. Fm9 Look at all our old men in the pubs, Bb9 look at all our young peo-ple on drugs, we used to wor-ship God as mo-ther, now look at what we're do-ing to each-other. We've ev-en made kill-ers of our-selves. __ The most child-like trust-ing peo-ple in the U-ni-verse, and this is what's wrong with us. Our his-to-ry books, the par-ent fig-ures lied to us. I see the I-rish _ as a race __ like a child that ___ got it-self bashed in the face. Fm9 And if there ev-er is gon-na be heal-ing, Bb9 there has to be re-mem-ber-ing, __ and then grieving; Fm9 so that the then can be ____ for-giv-ing, __ Bb9 there has to be know-ledge and un-der-stand-ing. Fm9 Bb9 All the lone-ly peo-ple, Fm9 Bb9 where do ____ they all __________ come from ? Fm9 Bb9 All the lone-ly peo-ple, Fm9 Bb9 where do ____ they all __________ come from ? Fm7 Gm7 (3 fr) Fm7 Gm7 (3 fr) (repeat and fade)