Theme: manual unpacking Packer: SPLayer v0.08 by Jibz Author: SMoKE Tools: OllyDbg, ImpRec, OllyDump (or some other dumper) URL: Target: PEiD v0.93 (build 01.30.2005) (PEiD.exe) Today we gonna unpack some packer, that i never saw before. It seems like some private packer. Load peid.exe in your olly... 00425FDA LEA EAX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX] 00425FDD MOV ECX,PEID.00425FCC 00425FE2 PUSH 0E 00425FE4 POP EAX 00425FE5 ROR BYTE PTR DS:[ECX+EAX],4 00425FE9 DEC EAX 00425FEA JNZ SHORT PEID.00425FE5 00425FEC ADC SI,AX 00425FEF XCHG EAX,ECX 00425FF0 CMP EBX,ECX 00425FF2 CMP EDX,6CFBD0B0 00425FF8 JMP SHORT PEID.00425FCC trace over the jump, if you got code like this 00425FCC MOV ECX,24FCC 00425FD1 SUB EAX,ECX 00425FD3 XOR BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+ECX],CL 00425FD6 DB E2 00425FD7 DB FB 00425FD8 DB 50 ; CHAR 'P' 00425FD9 DD PEID.0040D8C3 00425FDD MOV ECX,PEID.00425FCC then, do the following steps... right click --> Analysis --> Remove analysis from module now you should see this 00425FCC MOV ECX,24FCC 00425FD1 SUB EAX,ECX 00425FD3 XOR BYTE PTR DS:[EAX+ECX],CL 00425FD6 LOOPD SHORT PEID.00425FD3 00425FD8 PUSH EAX 00425FD9 RETN continue tracing... you can bypass the loopd instruction, by writing G EIP+2 in your Command Line when you staying on loopd instruction... after ret you will see... 00401000 MOV EAX,PEID.004797E8 00401005 PUSH EAX 00401006 PUSH DWORD PTR FS:[0] 0040100D MOV DWORD PTR FS:[0],ESP 00401014 XOR EAX,EAX 00401016 MOV DWORD PTR DS:[EAX],ECX so the loader sets new exception handler at address 4797E8 and then trys to write to address 00000000, so the access violation will occure and work will continue from 4797E8, how to catch that ? you can simply put a breakpoint on the 4797E8 and when you got the exception just press SHIFT+F9 and you will reach 4797E8, then by tracing and bypassing the loopd instructions by G EIP+2 command, you will go thru the whole decryption routine and finally will reach this part 00479584 MOV EAX,FFBA8468 00479589 LEA ECX,DWORD PTR DS:[EAX+8D113F] 0047958F MOV DWORD PTR DS:[ECX+1],EAX 00479592 MOV EDX,DWORD PTR SS:[ESP+4] but if you dont want to go thru the whole decryption routine, just press SHIFT+F8 when you already got the exception and running paused. You are here 004795A7 MOV EAX,FFBA8468 004795AC POP DWORD PTR FS:[0] 004795B3 ADD ESP,4 004795B6 PUSH EBP 004795B7 PUSH EBX trace over all calls (or just scroll down, the calls are unpacking and import table patching routines) and finally reach here 00479647 MOV EAX,ESI 00479649 POP EDX 0047964A POP ESI 0047964B POP EDI 0047964C POP ECX 0047964D POP EBX 0047964E POP EBP 0047964F JMP EAX the last jump is the jump to your original entry point, now you are staying on the OEP 00455F1E PUSH 60 00455F20 PUSH PEID.0042F508 00455F25 CALL PEID.004577DC 00455F2A MOV EDI,94 00455F2F MOV EAX,EDI dump the process without import rebuilding, close olly. Run peid.exe and fire up ImpRec, choose that process from the list, in the OEP edit box type your OEP RVA you just got 55F1E. Press IAT AutoSearch --> Get Imports, as you can see all the imports are valid, so press fix dump and choose your dumped executable. Cross your fingers and run the dumped file.... it works ! Check it with PEiD... Microsoft Visual C++ 7.0 :))) 23:02 14.04.05