Project captions

Not started

MP Checkers
Networking left

MP Chess
In progress

Dark Dimension
In progress

Vle and his Sick Wife 2: Winning edition
In progress

Vle and his Sick Wife

Silver Chat






MP Checkers

Type: Game
Genre: Online logic
Platform: Win32
Language: VC/DX(D)7
Description: Famous logic game working through the HTTP protocol.

This is the second project after the Chess. It's client networkless part is done already, so you can play it on one local computer with your sister or brother :), thanks to Hett. I am writing the server and the networking part of the client, so soon you'll enjoy a fully-featured version of it of course through the HTTP. Note that as this is not a fully completed project, I am not putting it for a download, but just giving you a right to request a copy of the RC, so that I control who owned it before the release.

Request program



MP Chess

Type: Game
Genre: Online logic
Platform: Win32
Language: VC/DX(D)7
Description: Famous logic game working through the HTTP protocol.

Just a project to train brain on DirectDraw. At first I was thinking that there will be no problems with this one, but it burned more than any other project, to my amazement. I cannot finish it already the third week, though it was meant to be written in one night.
Will use the DirecDraw's normal windowed mode, nothing special - just a multiplayer game of chess. Server will probably be powered by PHP. And another notice - Hett is also writing a like_this game, mp checkers, and he's more likely to finish it, so I hope you'll ever enjoy any of these two projects.



Dark Dimension

Facing the fact that this project has the primary superiority of all other mentioned,
I'll probably make a separate page for it if I find enough time between switching the computer on and running Visual C.

Type: Game
Genre: Online RPG
Platform: Win32
Language: VC/DX(D)7
Description: Role-playing multiplayer game on DirectX, supporting HTTP protocol for connecting over the network.

The game is gonna be outstanding, I hope I'll soon provide some screenshots, and those who think that everything is invented about online RPGs are probably going to be a little amused :)
The only weak part will probably be the graphics: we have decided the make it in 2D although realized that it's almost dead. Two modes will be supported: windowed and 800x600x16 exclusive mode.
The network realization will probably stay on HTTP - it was one of the basic principles of the creation of this game to make it available for playing through large numbers of networks, and even through firewalls, the most common open port remains HTTP. If you think you can help about developing the protocol upon it, drop a mail please.
And the last but not least thing I want to mention here is the stuff who's workin on it - Druid, Rubin, Jaguar... Imagine what it will be :) Expect 5 races, 2 of them unique...



Vle and his Sick Wife: Winning edition

Type: Game
Genre: Quest
Platform: Win32
Language: VC/DX(D)7
Description: Windows version of the famouse Vle game, with some additional features and levels.

Although me and Rubik considered the project closed, I guess we'll have some fun with the Win version, too.
Primarily we have decided to convert it to DirectDraw just to 'train' our brains for Windows programming after the long period of DOS one. Even if nothing new comes (it will still remain 320x200x8 - we have no time to re-make all the graphics for other resolution), you will enjoy it because it will take less disk space, will have a nice installation wizard (lame), and will run faster.



Vle and his Sick Wife

Type: Game
Genre: Quest
Platform: DOS
Language: Turbo Pascal 7/Turbo Assembler
Description: Simple quest, announcing our DOS graphics engine, which is called 'Q'. The husband should find ways to cure his sick wife in the stone age.

This project meant to be our kursayin, and the only profit it brought was our '100' points from that. There have been A LOT of problems about writing this game, and it isn't still completely bug-clean. Pathfinding doesn't work, it'll probably appear in the Winner edition, and system clock isn't damn programmed. Requirement for the video card is 64000b of memory (VGA). Could write megabytes about this project, but not to waste traffic will stop here.

Download Vle

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View release notes



Silver Chat

Type: Server-side application
Platform: independent
Language: PHP/MySQL
Description: a Web Chat.

This is a program I wrote long time ago when I thought that web development rules and was acting there on PHP. It has a lot of features and a great administration system. It used to be online a whole summer (3 months) on a friendly server, then it lost with the sources of the chat. Recently I have found an almost_finished version of it on an old floppy and decided to keep. I won't publish it to the web, but they are still available for you if you send me a request mail. Enjoy.

Request sources



© 2003, Silver.
Wind, two Tears, and a Funeral...