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Voprosi i otveti

Q=Television: What is the name of the cat in the smurfs A=Azriel
Q=Animals: What animal is the closest living relative of Tyrannosaurus Rex A=chicken
Q=Animals: Which animal has the most taste buds (over 27,000) A=catfish
Q=Science And Nature: What colour is a panda A=black and white
Q=Entertainment: What was the first film with sound A=the Jazz Singer
Q=Science And Nature: Who invented television A=John Logie Baird
Q=Television: On Three's Company, what is the name "Chrissy" short for A=Christmas
Q=Geography: What's the capital of Brazil A=Brasilia
Q=History: What religion was Adolf Hitler A=Catholic
Q=Sport And Leisure: What time do the pubs normally close in England A=11 o'clock
Q=Sport And Leisure: Where does the American president live A=The White House
Q=Entertainment: Who did John Lennon marry A=Yoko Ono
Q=Television: On Three's Company, what city did the trio live in A=Santa Monica
Q=Television: On three's company, what was Chrissy's father's ocupation A=A Reverend
Q=Animals: An earthworm has how many hearts A=Five
Q=Movies: What future famous actors played Spicolli's sidekicks in Fast Times at Ridgemont High A=Eric Stolz and Anthony Edwards
Q=Movies: What was the license number on the Ghostbusters' car A=ECTO-1
Q=Geography: What's the highest mountain in Africa A=Kilimanjaro
Q=History: How many fingers did Ann Boleyn have A=Eleven
Q=History: Where was Marco Polo's home town A=Venice
Q=Sport And Leisure: What are the Sun, the Independent and the Guardian A=newspapers
Q=Food: Which country consumes the most chocolate per person per year A=Switzerland
Q=Movies: What were Mouth and Chunk's real names in "The Goonies" A=Clark and Lawrence
Q=Movies: What god were the Thugees worshipping in "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" A=Kali
Q=Art And Literature: Which famous detective smoked a pipe and played the violin A=Sherlock Holmes
Q=Television: What was the name of Facts of Life's Mrs. Garret's gourmet food shop A=Edna's Edibles
Q=Television: On facts of life, what was the name Andy thought up to give to the girls when they needed to form a singing group A=Sexy Lingerie
Q=Animals: What is the only bird that cannot fly A=penguin
Q=Movies: In the Breakfast Club, What did Brian try to kill himself with A=A flare gun
Q=Art And Literature: What was the name of Don Quijote's horse A=Rocinante
Q=Geography: What's the capital of Finland A=Helsinki
Q=Sport And Leisure: Who is the Prime Minister of Britain A=John Major
Q=History: Which Italian leader was terribly afraid of the evil eye A=Mussolini
Q=Food: Where does natural vanilla flavoring come from A=Orchids
Q=Television: What did the indians call the Ingall's dog on "Little House on the Prairie"? A=spirit dog
Q=Television: What was the name of the bartender on The Love Boat A=Isaac Washington
Q=Science And Nature: What does the roman numeral C represent A=one hundred
Q=Science And Nature: What type of elephant has got the biggest ears A=African
Q=History: Who was the first man on the moon A=Armstrong
Q=Sport And Leisure: How long is a round in boxing A=3 minutes
Q=Animals: What is the only animal which can get leprosy A=Armadillo
Q=Entertainment: In which city is Hollywood A=Los Angeles
Q=Television: What star of the Breakfast Club was also part of the orginal cast of the facts of life A=Molly Ringwald
Q=Television: What actor was famous for the line "nanoo nanoo" A=Robin Williams
Q=Movies: What is the name of the Freelings' dog in "Poltergeist" A=Ebuzz
Q=Television: What did Webster call his adoptive parents A=Ma'am and George
Q=Movies: In 'Dirty Dancing' what was Baby's real name A=Frances
Q=Food: Which continent produces the most chocolate A=Africa
Q=Animals: What is the only mammal that can't jump A=elephant
Q=Art And Literature: Who wrote La Colmena A=Cela
Q=Movies: In 1989's "The Little Mermaid", what was Scuttle's name for a fork A=Dinglehopper
Q=Movies: In 'Empire Strikes Back' when the ghost of Obi Wan Kenobi said that Luke was their last hope against the Empire, who was Yoda refering to when he said: "No, there is another" A=Princess Leia
Q=Art And Literature: Who painted the Sistine Chapel A=Michelangelo
Q=Art And Literature: Who wrote Julius Caesar, Macbeth and Hamlet A=Shakespeare
Q=History: Who did Franco designate as his successor in 1969 A=Juan Carlos
Q=Sport And Leisure: What's the highest score in a gymnastics exercise A=ten
Q=Geography: What's the largest city in India A=Bombay
Q=Sport And Leisure: Which fast food restaurants were established by Ray Kroc A=McDonalds
Q=Movies: What does Ally Sheedy use to decorate her picture in the Breakfast Club A=dandruff
Q=Art And Literature: What Spanish artist said he would eat his wife when she died A=Dali
Q=Science And Nature: What did Joseph Priesley discover in 1774 A=Oxygen
Q=Food: Pepperoni is America’s favorite pizza topping. What is Japan’s A=Squid
Q=History: Did Neil Armstrong put his left or his right foot on the moon first A=left
Q=Sport And Leisure: What do the opposite sides of a dice add up to A=seven
Q=Geography: How many avenues radiate from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris A=Twelve
Q=Movies: In Empire Strikes Back, what was chewing on the power cables of the Millenium Falcon while Han Solo and company were hiding inside the asteroid cave A=Mynocks
Q=Movies: What two '80's dance movies did Cynthia Rhodes have a major role in A=Dirty Dancing and Flashdance
Q=Art And Literature: How many people went onto Noah's Ark A=Eight
Q=Animals: What is the only animal with a prostate A=Dog
Q=Entertainment: Which 2 actors were in "Gone with the wind" A=Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh
Q=Entertainment: Who was the director of the film "Psycho" A=Alfred Hitchcock
Q=Food: How many teaspoons of suger does the average North American consume every day A=Nineteen
Q=History: Who was Felipe el Hermoso's wife A=Juana la Loca
Q=Sport And Leisure: How many months have 31 days A=seven
Q=History: Who was the first president of America A=Washington
Q=History: How many children has Queen Elizabeth the Second got A=four
Q=Sport And Leisure: What money do they use in Japan A=yen
Q=Sport And Leisure: What's the name of the main airport in Madrid A=Barajas
Q=Animals: what is a shoat A=a pig
Q=Science And Nature: Which is the only mammal that can't jump A=elephant
Q=Science And Nature: Who invented the telephone A=Bell
Q=History: What's the name of the famous big clock in London A=Big Ben
Q=Sport And Leisure: How many lanes does an olympic swimming pool have A=eight
Q=Sport And Leisure: How many prongs are there on a fork A=four
Q=History: Who gave his name to the month of July A=Julius Caesar
Q=Animals: What is the only big cat that doesn't roar A=jaguar
Q=Entertainment: How many oscars did Alfred Hitchcock win A=none
Q=Science And Nature: Who discovered penicillin A=Fleming
Q=Television: The Jeffersons was a spinoff from what show A=All in the Family
Q=Movies: In "Innerspace", what did the license plate on Igoe's BMW say A=SNAPON
Q=Art And Literature: Who was Robin Hood's girlfriend A=Maid Marian
Q=Television: What was the name of the school mistress in The Facts of Life A=Mrs. Edna Garrett
Q=Art And Literature: Who wrote the James Bond books A=Ian Fleming
Q=Television: On One Day at a Time, what were the two daughter's names A=Barbara and Julie
Q=Television: Who palyed Mork from Ork's son A=Johnathen Winters
Q=Food: In the Middle East, is "the poor man’s food" A=Figs
Q=Sport And Leisure: Which is the most spoken language A=Chinese
Q=History: What stopped in London at 3.45 on August 5th, 1975 A=Big Ben
Q=Geography: Where is Mulhacen A=Granada Spain
Q=Animals: What is the pigs nearest living relative A=hippopotamus
Q=Entertainment: What year did Elvis Presley die A=1977
Q=Movies: What is the name of Sarah's brother that she is trying to save in "The Labyrinth" A=Toby
Q=Television: Who shot J.R. Ewing A=Kristin
Q=Movies: How many Nightmare On Elm Street movies were made in the 80's A=Five
Q=Movies: In the movie "Better Off Dead", what was the name of Lane's younger brother A=Badger
Q=Food: What is the most recognized smell in the world A=coffee
Q=Sport And Leisure: In what language does "obrigado" mean "thank you" A=Portuguese
Q=Sport And Leisure: What activity other than jumping are kangaroos good at A=boxing
Q=History: What country gave Florida to the USA in 1891 A=Spain
Q=Entertainment: Who were the two main actors in "Pretty Woman" A=Julia Roberts and Richard Gere
Q=Television: On Little House on the Prarie, what was the original name for the school teacher A=Miss Beatle
Q=Science And Nature: Where is the smallest bone in the body A=ear Q=Art And Literature: What did the 7 dwarves do for a job A=miners
Q=Art And Literature: What nationality was Chopin A=Polish
Q=Science And Nature: What's the smallest type of tree in the world A=Bonsai
Q=Animals: Only one insect can turn its head. What is it A=praying mantis
Q=Geography: Which river goes through London A=Thames
Q=History: What did the Montgolfier brothers invent A=the balloon
Q=History: Who was the first president of Iraq A=Sadam Hussein
Q=Geography: What's the capital of Denmark A=Copenhagen
Q=Sport And Leisure: How many players are there in a basketball team A=five
Q=Animals: Approxumately, how many glasses of milk does a cow produce in her life A=200,000
Q=Science And Nature: What temperature does water boil at A=100C
Q=Television: On Little House on the Prairie, what was Laura's horse's name A=Bunny
Q=Art And Literature: Who wrote Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde A=Robert Louis Stevenson
Q=Art And Literature: Who wrote the Ugly Duckling A=Hans Christian Andersen
Q=Movies: In The Empire Stikes Back When The Ghost of Obi-Wan Kenobi Said That Luke Was Their Last Hope Against The Empire, Who was Yoda Refering To When He Said:No, There is Another A=Leia
Q=Movies: How many gigawatts of electricity did Doc Brown need to generate to power the delorion in back to the future A=1.21
Q=Entertainment: Who wrote the song "Johnny be good" A=Chuck Berry
Q=Sport And Leisure: Who starts first in chess A=white
Q=History: Where was Christopher Columbus born A=Genoa
Q=Food: According to the University of California at Berkley Wellness Letter, do dieters say that the most difficult food to give up is A=Cheese
Q=Animals: An Artic char is a type of what A=trout
Q=Science And Nature: Who said E=mc2 A=Einstein
Q=Television: What is the name of the Dukes of Hazzards car A=General Lee
Q=Art And Literature: Who wrote the Satanic Verses A=Salman Rushdie
Q=Food: Where is spilling salt considered good luck A=Japan
Q=Sport And Leisure: What's the longest word in Spanish A=superextraordinarissimo
Q=Sport And Leisure: What's the fastest passenger plane in the world A=concorde
Q=Geography: How many states are there in the United States of America A=Fifty
Q=Movies: Who was the "keymaster" in Ghostbusters A=Lewis Tully
Q=Movies: What is the name of the airline that operates the ill-fated flight from LA to Chicago in the movie Airplane! A=Trans American
Q=Television: On the SuperFriends, what were the Wonder Twins names A=Zan and Jayna
Q=Television: In Knight Rider, what does K.I.T.T.'s name stand for A=Knight Industries Two Thousand
Q=Geography: Which river passes through Madrid A=Manzanares
Q=Sport And Leisure: How many events are there in the decathlon A=ten
Q=Geography: What's the capital of Monaco A=Monaco
Q=Television: What were the names of the three children on Kate and Ali A=Jenny, Chip and Emma
Q=Science And Nature: Which planet is nearest the sun A=Mercury
Q=Sport And Leisure: Where are the most expensive seats at a bullfight A=in the shade
Q=Sport And Leisure: What do you use to take a cork out of a bottle A=a corkscrew
Q=History: What nationality was Marco Polo A=Italian
Q=History: What was the first country which gave women the right to vote A=New Zealand
Q=Food: How many Coca-Colas will be consumed worldwide during the next hour A=About 27-million
Q=Entertainment: What film star who was in 9 Weeks is now a boxer A=Mickey Rourke
Q=Television: Who was the bully who terrorized Arnold on Different Strokes A=The Gooch
Q=Television: What was Roscoe's dogs name on the Dukes of Hazzard A=Flash
Q=Science And Nature: Which nail grows fastest A=middle
Q=Geography: Which is Britain's second largest city A=Birmingham
Q=Food: For every dollar you spend for produce at the supermarket, how much goes to the farmer who grew the produce A=five cents
Q=Sport And Leisure: Where does the British Prime Minister live A=10, Downing Street
Q=Television: On Punky Brewster, how was she abandoned by her mother A=Her mother went in to the grocery store and never came out
Q=Television: What actor was famous for the line "Nanoo, Nanoo" A=Robin Williams
Q=Entertainment: What year did the drummer of Def Lepperd loose his arm A=1984
Q=Science And Nature: Who invented the electric light bulb A=Thomas Edison
Q=Television: On the show Knight Rider, what was the name of K.I.T.T.s evil double A=K.A.R.R.
Q=Acronyms: What does the "Q" stand for in the investment acronym 'NASDAQ' A=Quotation
Q=Television: What was the name of the bar that the characters from "Three's Company" frequented A=Regal Beagle
Q=Entertainment: Name the two main actors in "The Sting" A=Paul Newman and Robert Redford
Q=History: What was the first national park in the United States A=Yellowstone National Park
Q=Sport And Leisure: In which shop can you buy books in England A=bookshop
Q=Food: What is the biggest selling restaurant food A=French fries
Q=Science And Nature: What's the hardest rock A=diamond
Q=Television: How did Ann Jillian's character die on "Jennifer Slept Here" A=She was hit by an ice-cream truck
Q=Science and Nature: Where is most of the vitamin c in fruits A=Skin
Q=Art And Literature: What was the name of King Author's sword A=Excalibur
Q=Sport And Leisure: What horoscope sign has a crab A=cancer
Q=Geography: Where are the Luxembourg Gardens A=Paris
Q=Science And Nature: How much does a litre of water weigh A=one kilogram
Q=Television: On Punky Brewster, her best friend Cherry was discussing marrying a guy named Donald...if she married him, what would her full name have been A=Cherry Soda
Q=Television: Elizabeth was the "Starchild" on what sci-fi show A=V- The Visitors
Q=Movies: What don't Gary and Wyatt do when they take a shower with Lisa in "Weird Science" A=Take off their pants
Q=Movies: The main street in Back to the Future is also the main street in what other 80's movie A=Gremlins
Q=History: What's the real name of Siddartha Gautama A=Buddha
Q=Sport And Leisure: Who named a perfume for her fashion shows on the 5th day of the month A=Chanel
Q=Movies: In which California city does Poltergeist take place A=Cuesta Verde
Q=Art And Literature: What was the first novel written on a typewriter A=Tom Sawyer
Q=History: Who did Prince Rainier of Monaco marry A=Grace Kelly
Q=Music: Who sang, "I'm dreaming of a white Christmas" A=Bing Crosby
Q=Science And Nature: What colours make purple A=red and blue
Q=Movies: Who was told they "better think" in the Blues Brothers A=Matt "Guitar" Murphy
Q=Art And Literature: What is the longest word contained within the writtings of Shakespeare A=Honorificabilitudinitatibus
Q=Movies: What was the title of Kevin's byline story in St. Elmos Fire A=The Meaning Of Life
Q=Television: In "Family Ties" who was Alex P. Keaton's idol A=Richard Nixon
Q=Geography: Which mountains are between Spain and France A=Pyrenees
Q=Sport And Leisure: How many players are there in a volleyball team A=six
Q=Geography: What's the capital of Scotland A=Edinburgh
Q=Geography: Which country has the largest area: Australia, Brazil or India A=Brazil
Q=Science And Nature: The most radioactive food is A=Brazil nuts
Q=Entertainment: Who did Madonna marry A=Sean Penn
Q=Television: What was Reverend Jims real last name on TAXI A=Caldwell
Q=Television: What was the name of the head master at the Eastland school for girls on the "Facts of Life" during its first premiere season A=Mr. Steven Bradley
Q=Science And Nature: The first American in space was A=Alan Shepard
Q=Television: In Knight Rider, what's the real last name of Michael Knight A=Long
Q=Food: When the power goes off, will food in your refrigerator stay cold enough to be eaten safely for A=Four to six hours
Q=Sport And Leisure: What is the main language in Albania A=Tosco
Q=History: What was the name of Lady Godiva's horse A=Aethenoth
Q=Geography: What's the highest mountain in the world A=Everest
Q=Geography: What is the capital of Australia A=Canberra
Q=Television: What was the name of the bar on Dukes of Hazzard A=Boars Nest
Q=Science And Nature: What is the most common element in the atmosphere of the Earth A=Nitrogen
Q=Television: What island did Balki from Perfect Strangers call home A=Mypos
Q=History: What was the first country to issue postage stamps A=England
Q=Sport And Leisure: What language has the most words A=English
Q=Animals: What is the only bird that provides us with leather A=ostrich
Q=Television: What does ALF stand for A=Alien Life Form
Q=Television: My dad was a big kid, a big RICH KID. What show was I on A=Silver Spoons
Q=Television: What sitcom was "The Facts of Life" a spinoff of A=Different Strokes
Q=History: Who did Lady Diana Spencer marry A=Prince Charles
Q=Geography: Which German city is famous for the perfume it produces A=Cologne
Q=History: What sank on April 15, 1912 A=The Titanic
Q=Science And Nature: What does NASA stands for A=National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Q=Television: What media icon invaded Network 23 A=Max Headroom
Q=Animals: What is the only mammal that can fly A=bat
Q=Science And Nature: What is the only rock that can be woven A=Asbestos
Q=Art And Literature: Who wrote Frankenstein (1818) A=Mary Shelley
Q=Movies: Who was the "gatekeeper" in Ghostbusters A=Dana Barrett
Q=Geography: What's the smallest country in the world A=Vatican City
Q=History: Who was the first secretary of state for the United States A=Thomas Jefferson
Q=Geography: Which is the smallest ocean A=Arctic
Q=Food: According to First for Women magazine, eating what kind of candy could help relieve stress A=Peppermint
Q=Movies: What was the make and model of the villian in "The Terminator" 1984 A=T-800 Cyberdyne Systems Model 101
Q=Art And Literature: What's the most important book in the Moslem religion A=Koran
Q=Television: Mork and Mindy was a spinoff of what TV show A=Happy Days
Q=Television: On Laverne & Shirley, what was Laverne's favorite drink A=Milk and Pepsi
Q=Geography: What is the largest city on the Mississipi river A=Memphis
Q=Sport And Leisure: Who is the tallest basketball player in the world A=Manute Boll
Q=Geography: Which state in the United States has only one syllable in it A=Maine
Q=Television: What was the name of the helicopter on Riptide A=The Mimi
Q=Science And Nature: What is the only metal that is liquid at room temperature A=mercury
Q=Movies: In the movie "The Goonies" what brand of candybar did Chunk try to give to Sloth A=Babe Ruth
Q=Movies: In Grease Two what does stephanie want in a boyfriend A=A cool rider
Q=Movies: In "The Golden Child," what object does the Child animate to amuse his captor A=A Coke can
Q=Food: How many Americans have never flossed their teeth A=20%
Q=Animals: What is the only animal born with horns A=giraffe
Q=Science And Nature: What is the outermost atmosphere of the sun called A=the corona
Q=Television: What were the two dogs names on Magnum PI A=Apollo and Zeus
Q=Television: What was the full name of Mangum P.I. A=Thomas Magnum
Q=Entertainment: Who was the main actor in Superman 2 A=Christopher Reeve
Q=Geography: What is the oldest city in the world A=Damascus, Syria
Q=Science And Nature: What is the most abundant element in the universe A=Hydrogen
Q=Television: In Battle Star Galactica, What was the name of the human leader of the Cylons A=Baltar
Q=Television: What Georgia town did the first Dukes of Hazzard episodes take place A=Covington, Georgia
Q=Geography: What country has the shortest coastline A=Monaco
Q=Sport And Leisure: Who won a gold medal for Spain in cycling in the 1992 Olympics A=Jose Manuel Moreno
Q=Art And Literature: What was the first theatre play in Spain A=La Celestina
Q=Geography: What is the longest river in the world at 4,160 miles A=Nile River
Q=Science And Nature: What is the most abundant metal in the crust of the earth A=Aluminum
Q=Television: What did AJ stand for in Simon & Simon's AJ Simon A=Andrew Jackson
Q=Movies: Who as the main actor in "Cocktail" A=Tom Cruise
Q=History: Who was the first woman executed in the United States A=Mary Surratt
Q=Art And Literature: Who said, "I think, therefore I am" A=Descartes
Q=Television: What was the name of the comic strip that "Henry Rush" (Too Close for Comfort) wrote A=Cosmic Cow
Q=Television: What 80's cartoon theme song did Ricky Martin sing A=Rubic-the Amazing Cube
Q=Movies: In "Running Scared," how much money does Billy Crystal's character inherit from his dead aunt Rose A=$50,000
Q=Movies: What is Indiana Jones main weapon A=His whip
Q=History: Who was the first man in space A=Gagarin
Q=Art And Literature: Who was the first person to receive the Nobel Prize for literature A=Sully Prudhomme
Q=Geography: What was Thailand called before it became Thailand A=Siam
Q=Animals: Crocodiles protect their nest, eggs, and young for up to how many years A=Three
Q=Science And Nature: What are the three primary colours A=red, blue and yellow
Q=Television: What were the names of Amanda's boys on Scarecrow and Mrs. King A=Phillip and Jamie
Q=Television: In the show Cheers, what was the name of the bar that always played practical jokes on the gang at Cheers A=Gary's Old Time Tavern
Q=Movies: In "Ferris Beuller's Day Off," who plays the burnout at the police station that Jeanie kisses A=Charlie Sheen
Q=History: Where did the first atomic bomb explode for the first time in Japan A=Hiroshima
Q=Art And Literature: What's the Hungarian word for pepper A=paprika
Q=Movies: What is the name of the evil spirit in Polterguise A=Kane
Q=Movies: What is the real name of the actor who plays the voice of the spaceship in Flight Of The Navigator A=Paul Reubens
Q=Television: On Night Court, Harry had a "statue" of what animal in his office A=Armidillo
Q=Geography: What was Iran called before March 21, 1935 A=Persia
Q=Movies: What Cheers actor was in "The Empire Strikes Back" A=John Ratzenberg
Q=Movies: Who's head did Courtney Cox say was on her body in Scream 2 A=Jennifer Aniston
Q=History: Where was Franco born A=Teruel
Q=Art And Literature: Who is the only author to have a book in all ten major Dewey Decimal System divisions A=Isaac Asimov
Q=Geography: What country has the longest coastline in the world A=Canada
Q=Entertainment: Who sang "My Way" A=Frank Sinatra
Q=Geography: What was the original name for the Hawaiian Islands A=Sandwich Isles
Q=Television: On "You Can't Do That on Television", what dropped out of the sky onto the actors' heads A=Green Slime
Q=Movies: What was the name of Judge Smales grandson in the movie 'Caddyshack' A=Spaulding
Q=Movies: In Jumanji, a stampede is released. What is the slowest animal A=Rhinoceros
Q=Movies: Who was the original killer in Friday the 13th A=Jason's mother
Q=Geography: What is the largest lake in the world A=The Caspian Sea
Q=Art And Literature: Where was El Greco born A=Greece
Q=Movies: Who did Leonardo DiCaprio play in the movie Titanic A=Jack Dawson
Q=Movies: Who did Sidney say would play her in Scream 2 A=Tori Spelling
Q=Movies: In the movie "Rainman", what was the only airline that Raymond said had never crashed A=Quantas
Q=Movies: What fraternity do the Lewis and Gilbert join in Revenge of the Nerds A=Lambda Lambda Lambda
Q=History: How many wives did Henry the Eighth have A=six
Q=Movies: Who played the best friend of Sarah Jessica Parker in "Girls Just Wanna Have Fun" A=Helen Hunt
Q=Geography: Who named the Pacific Ocean A=Ferdinand Magellan
Q=Movies: In the 1983 movie "National Lampoon's Vacation," where were the Griswolds headed on their cross country trip A=WalleyWorld
Q=Movies: what does michelle remeber the formula for in Romy and Michelle's High School Renuion A=post-it glue
Q=Movies: What was the name of Milla Jovovich's character in the Fifth Element A=Lelu
Q=Entertainment: When was Elvis' first ever concert A=1954
Q=Television: What cartoon featured a boy with a community of tiny people living in his wall A=The Littles
Q=Science And Nature: How many legs has a spider got A=eight
Q=Art And Literature: What are the first three words of the bible A=In the beginning
Q=Movies: What was in Catherine's crucifix in the movie Cruel Intentions A=Cocaine
Q=Art And Literature: Where was Lope de Vega born A=Madrid
Q=Geography: What's the capital of Ecuador A=Quito
Q=Movies: In the movie "Sixteen Candles," what was Sam's grandparents exchange students name A=Long Duck Dong
Q=Movies: In Ferris Buellers Day Off, who is Cameron going to marry A=The first girl he lays
Q=Television: What was the first name of Sledge's partner on the show Sledge Hammer! A=Dori
Q=Television: What was the name of the robot on Buck Rogers A=Twiggy
Q=Science And Nature: How many colours are there in a rainbow A=seven
Q=Movies: How high could the Klopek's furnace go in The 'burbs A=5000 degrees
Q=Movies: In the Breakfast Club, Bender tells a joke without a punchline. What was the naked blonde carrying under her arms A=A two foot salami and a poodle
Q=Animals: According to the American Kennel Club, was the most popular pedigreed dog in the U.S. last year A=The Lab
Q=Geography: What's the capital of Ethiopia A=Addis Ababa
Q=Television: What did Archie Bunker on 'All In The Family' call his son-in-law Mike A=Meathead
Q=Art And Literature: What did the crocodile swallow in Peter Pan A=alarm clock
Q=Television: What was the name of the castle that gave He-Man his powers A=Greyskull
Q=Movies: What is the robots name in the movies "Short Circuit 1 and 2" A=Johnny
Q=Television: What current popular sitcom star played Michael P. Keaton's girlfriend Lauren Miller on Family Ties A=Courteney Cox
Q=Television: Who all lived in the house of "Full House" when the show ended A=Danny, Joey, Uncle Jesse, Rebecca, D.J., Stephanie, Michelle, Nicki, Alex and Comet the dog
Q=Television: What was Webster's adopted mom and dad's name A=Mr. & Mrs Poppadouupalus
Q=Animals: Which dog has the best eye sight A=The Greyhound
Q=Movies: In "Spaceballs" what does the bumper sticker say on the back of Lonestar's ship A=I love Uranus
Q=Movies: What event was the interview of the Natural Born Killer, Mickey, to be held during A=The Superbowl
Q=Movies: Who was the sponsor for the tv show Wayne's World A=Noah's Arcade
Q=Science And Nature: What does the female praying mantis do after she's made love A=eats the male
Q=Geography: What is the only continent without snakes or reptiles A=Antarctica
Q=Movies: What was the print left on the car in the boat in the movie Titanic A=A handprint
Q=Art And Literature: Who painted the Mona Lisa A=Da Vinci
Q=Geography: What's the capital of Honduras A=Tegucigarpa
Q=Movies: In the film, The Professional, what does Leon say he has in his kitchen A=A pig
Q=Movies: In "St. Elmo's Fire," What city does Billy go to at the end A=New York
Q=Movies: What does Ally Sheedy say she likes to drink in the Breakfast Club A=Vodka
Q=Movies: Where did Ronald and Cindy go on there last date together in the movie "Can't Buy Me Love" A=Airplane junkyard
Q=Television: What was ALF's real name A=Gordon Shumway
Q=Television: What is MacGyver's first name A=Angus
Q=Geography: Which is the largest ocean A=Pacific
Q=Movies: What is the name of Marty's band that trys out for the dance in Back To The Future A=The Pinheads
Q=Animals: Which birds have been trained to tend sheep A=Geese
Q=Television: Who was the leader of the bad guys on Hulk Hogan's Rock N Wrestling that annoyed Hulk Hogan and his friends A=Rowdy Roddy Piper
Q=Geography: What's the capital of Kenya A=Nairobi
Q=Movies: In "The Blues Brothers", what does SCMODS stand for A=State County Municipal Offender Data Systems
Q=Geography: Where are the Dolomites A=Italy
Q=Movies: What special talent did Molly Ringwald have in The Breakfast Club A=She could apply lipstick with her breasts
Q=Movies: What was the very first James Bond movie that was shown in the 80's A=For Your Eyes Only
Q=Movies: Name the actress who played the pretty blond girl Elliot danced with in E.T. The Extra-Terrestrial A=Erika Eleniak
Q=Television: On "It's Your Move," what is the name of the rock band that Mark and his friend Eliot pretended to be A=The Dregs Of Humanity
Q=Television: In the cartoon Jem and the Holograms, what was the name of Jems computer A=Cinergy
Q=Television: What was the club house of the Get Along Gang A=A red Caboose
Q=Movies: What kind of car does Nick Nolte's character in 48 hours A=A sky blue Cadillac convertible
Q=Movies: In the movie "One Crazy Summer" what was the movie that was being made on the island called A=Foam 2
Q=Movies: In Ferris Bueller's Day Off, what is the Principal's name A=Mr. Ed Rooney, Grace
Q=Television: On the show Cheers,What was the name of the restaurant above the bar A=Melvilles
Q=Television: What was the name of the home of the Care Bear Cousins A=Forest of Feelings
Q=Movies: What did Fletch's initials (I. M.) stand for A=Irwin Maurice
Q=Movies: What is the occupation of Tom Hanks' character in Bachelor Party A=School Bus Driver
Q=Movies: In Beverly Hills Cop, how does Axel Foley escape the police car that is sent to follow him A=He puts a banana in its tailpipe
Q=Television: What city provided the setting for One day at a time A=Indianapolis
Q=Television: What did He-man say when he lifted his sword and gained his strength A=By the power of Grayskull...I am He-Man!
Q=Television: What 80's group sang the theme song to "Square Pegs" A=The Waitresses
Q=Television: What 80's cartoon was a showcase for 'New Wave' Music videos A=Kidd Video
Q=Movies: What brand and color of underwear is Marty wearing in Back to the Future A=Purple Calvin Klein briefs
Q=Movies: In "The Karate Kid" what color did Daniel have to paint Miagi's house, as part of his training A=Green
Q=Movies: In National Lampoon's Vacation, what did the Griswalds call their ugly green station wagon A=The Family Truckster
Q=Television: In Magnum PI, what was the name of the club A=The King Kamehameha
Q=Television: In Magnum PI, what kind of car did Higgins drive A=An audi
Q=Television: Thomas Magnum's dad was played by what actor A=Robert Pine
Q=Movies: In the movie "Stand By Me", what did Gordy, Chris, Vern and Teddy set out to find A=The body of a boy who had been hit by a train
Q=Movies: In the movie "Tootsie" what was the name of the woman who was played by cross-dressing Dustin Hoffmann A=Dorthy Michaels
Q=Television: Who replaced Bo and Luke Duke A=Coy and Vance
Q=Television: On Magnum, P.I., what type of vehicle was Robin 3 A=GMC Jimmy 4X4
Q=Television: Who are the three annoying neighbors in "Small Wonder" A=Brandon, Bonnie, and Harriet Brendel
Q=Movies: In the movie Next Friday what is the name of the vicious dog A=Chico
Q=Movies: In the film, Jerry McGuire, what was the name of Jerry's stepson A=Ray
Q=Movies: In Matilda what was the name of Matilda's teacher A=Jennifer Honey
Q=Television: What were the 3 Chipettes names on Alvin and the Chipmunks A=Brittney, Jeanette, and Eleanor
Q=Television: What is the name of the cartoon that had ponies of all colors of the rainbow, and had a design on their butt, there were pegasus, unicorns, and earth ponies and they talked A=My Little Pony
Q=Television: Name the spinoff show from Who's the Boss A=Living Dolls
Q=Movies: In Independence Day, What does Will Smith yell as he blasts off in the space ship A=I gotta get me one of these!
Q=Movies: Who played Julie's best friend in I still know what you did last summer A=Brandy
Q=Movies: What movie were the passengers on the plane in Executive Desicion watching A=Born to be Wild
Q=Television: What was the name of Magnum PI's suave superspy alterego A=Sebastian Sabre
Q=Television: Where did Thomas Magnum grow up as a kid A=San Diego
Q=Television: In Magnum PI, what was the name of the charter service that TC ran A=Island Hoppers
Q=Movies: What was the name of Matt Dillon's band in Singles A=Citizen Dick
Q=Movies: In the movie Office Space, what item did Peter pull from the rubble A=A red stapler
Q=Television: What planet did Alf come from A=Melmac
Q=Television: What was the name of the helicopter service that was the cover for Airwolf A=Santini Air
Q=Movies: Who was the latin bombshell that played Selena in the Selena bio-pic A=Jennifer Lopez
Q=Movies: What was Adam Sandler's occupation in Big Daddy A=A tollbooth worker
Q=Television: On "Who's the Boss", what was Samantha's liscense plate on her first car A=SAM'S CAR
Q=Television: What short-lived sitcom featured Snow White and Prince Charming living as husband & wife A=The Charmings
Q=Television: On M*A*S*H, what was Walter 'Radar' O'Reilley's home town A=Ottumwa, Iowa
Q=Movies: How fast did the bus in the movie Speed need to go in order not to blow up A=The speedometer could not go below 50mph
Q=Movies: Who ordered the Code Red in "A Few Good Men" A=Colonel Nathan P. Jessup
Q=Television: What was Rosanna Arquette's character's name in "Desperately Seeking Susan" A=Roberta Glass
Q=Television: What are the names of the Simon brothers from Simon & Simon A=Rick & AJ
Q=Television: Where did Simon & Simon take place A=San Diego
Q=Movies: What famous director makes a cameo appearance in the Blues Brothers A=Steven Spielberg
Q=Movies: By what Alias does Ferris Bueller get into Chez Luis A=Abe Frohman
Q=Movies: In the first Scream, what was Stu's motive for the killings A=Peer Pressure
Q=Television: Who was Mallory Keaton's fiance A=Nick Moore
Q=Television: Which one of the A Team was a Pilot A=H.M. Murdoch
Q=Television: Who was the leader of the good Transformers A=Optimus Prime
Q=Television: What was the name of the dog in Fraggle Rock A=Sprocket
Q=Television: What was the name of Punky Brewster's dog A=Brandon
Q=Television: What was Angela's son's name in Who's the Boss A=Jonathon
Q=Television: What was Michael Jackson advertising when he was nearly killed A=Pepsi
Q=Television: What was ALF's girlfriend from Melmac's name A=Rhonda
Q=Television: What was the name of Arnold's fish on Different Strokes A=Abraham
Q=Television: On Three's Company, what was Jack's retaurant that he opened and was head chef A=Jack's Bistro
Q=Television: What was the name of the robot girl on "Small Wonder" A=Vicki
Q=Television: What show is The Dukes of Hazzard a spinoff of A=Flo's Yellow Rose
Q=Television: On Laverne & Shirley, what was Laverne's favorite drink A=Milk and Pepsi
Q=Television: What actress played Laura and Almonzo's niece on Little House on the Prairie A=Shannen Doherty
Q=Television: What is the real name of the 'man of arms' in 'He man and the Masters of the Universe' A=Duncan
Q=Television: How old was John Schneider when he first played as Bo Duke on the Dukes of Hazzard A=18 years old
Q=Television: On "Three's Company" what was Larry's (the upstairs neighbor) last name A=Dallas
Q=Television: Which professional wrestler popped both of John Stossel's ear drums during a 20/20 interview A="Dr. D." David Schultz
Q=Television: On what show would you find Gary Gnu A=The Great Space Coaster
Q=Television: Where was Hawkeye Pierce's hometown in the show M*A*S*H A=Crab Apple Cove
Q=Television: What was the name of the short lived spin-off of Three's Company A=The Ropers
Q=Television: What show was Just the 10 of us spin off of A=Growing Pains
Q=Television: What was the name of the neighbors that lived next door to ALF A=Raquel and Trevor Achmanic
Q=Television: What was the name of the actress who played "Melonie" on the show "Webster and Melonie" A=Heather O'Rourke
Q=Television: Who played the Uncle on Family Ties A=Tom Hanks
Q=Television: What was the name of the bar/restaurant on THREE'S COMPANY A=Regal Beagle
Q=Television: On Night Court, who was Harry's idol A=Mel Torme
Q=Television: Who was the famous TV painter from the 80's A=Bob Ross
Q=Television: What show was a spin-off of Transformers A=Go-Bots
Q=Television: What TV personality did Doritos commercials A=Jay Leno
Q=Television: What was the connection between The Facts of Life and ER A=George Clooney
Q=Television: Who played Jo's sailor boyfiend on the Facts of Life A=Clark Brandon
Q=Television: How many children did JR Ewing knowingly have that lived on "Dallas" A=Three
Q=Television: What is the real name of Jem from Jem and the Holograms A=Jerrica Benton
Q=Television: What 80's Pro-Wrestler was turned into a G.I. Joe character A=Sgt. Slaughter
Q=Television: On M*A*S*H, what was the name of BJ's wife A=Peg
Q=Television: What did the "P" in Roscoe P. Coltrane (from Dukes of Hazzard) stand for A=Purvis
Q=Television: What was the name of Vanessa's last boyfriend on The Cosby Show A=Dabnes
Q=Television: What was the name of the detective agency in Moonlighting A=Blue Moon Detective Agency
Q=Television: What was the name of the t.v. show with the theme song that began: "Believe it or not, I'm walking on air..." A=Greatest American Hero
Q=Television: What was the name of the woman who helped run the school for the blind on "Little House on the Prarie" (Besides Mary Ingalls) A=Hester Sue
Q=Television: What was the name of Murphy Brown's news program A=FYI
Q=Television: What was the date in 1955 did Marty from Back to the Future arrive on A=November 5th, 1955
Q=Television: On Full House, what was Jesse's REAL first name A=Hermes
Q=Television: What was the real name of the hospital on St. Elsewhere A=St. Eligius
Q=Television: In the show "The Equalizer", what did the hero (McCall) call his former superior from the "agency" A=Control
Q=Television: On "Out of This World" what planet was Troy from A=Anterrius
Q=Television: What was the Saved by the bell series with Hayley Mills originally called A=Good Morning, Miss Bliss
Q=Television: What was the name of He-man's legless, wizard friend A=Orco
Q=Television: What was punky brewster's best friends name A=Cherry
Q=Television: What was Al Bundy's nickname during the dream sequence with all of the women in his bedroom A=Al-night long
Q=Television: What 80's spin off of a 70's tv show did Martin Lawrence play on A=What's Happening Now
Q=Television: What does M.A.S.K. stand for A=Mobile Armoured Strike Kommand
Q=Television: Name the three main bands featured on the cartoon series 'Jem' during it's entire 3 year run A=Jem and The Holograms, The Misfits, The Stingers
Q=Television: What was the name of the home that Sofia Patrillo lived in before moving in with her daughter on the Golden Girls A=Shady Pines
Q=Television: What Famous congressman was on an episode of the Golden Girls A=Sonny Bono
Q=Television: What Show did the Simpsons first appear A=The Tracy Ullman Show
Q=Television: how did Rose Nilin's husband Charlie die on The Golden Girls A=He died of a heart Attack while making love to Rose
Q=Television: Can you name the 5 original MTV VJ's A=Martha Quinn, J.J. Jackson, Mark Goodman, Alan Hunter and Nina Blackwood
Q=Television: The Jefferson's was a spinoff of what show A=All in the Family
Q=Television: In the cartoon show My Pet Monster, what were the only things that could send Beastor, Monster's enemy, back to the monster world A=A pair of orange handcuffs
Q=Television: Ben Affleck played CT on what 80's science education television show A=Voyage of the Mimi
Q=Television: What was the name of the older brother on Happy Days A=Chuck Cunningham
Q=Television: If you saw a segment of "Mathnet," what show were you watching A=Square One
Q=Television: What was the name of the principal on Saved By the Bell A=Mr. Richard Belding
Q=Television: Who were the twins on the Thundercats A=Wily Kit and Wily Kat
Q=Television: What planet did the Thundercats live on A=Third Earth
Q=Science And Nature: What does the C stand for in the equation E=mc2 A=Speed of light
Q=Science And Nature: What is the highest Mountain in the world A=Mt Everest
Q=Geography: What county has the lowest point in South America A=Argentina
Q=Art And Literature: Who wrote the Father Brown crime stories A=GK Chesterton
Q=Science And Nature: What's the worlds widest river A=Amazon
Q=Science And Nature: What did Wilhelm Roentgen discover in 1895 A=X-rays
Q=Entertainment: What's the better-known name of the card game Twenty-One A=Blackjack
Q=Movies: What film did Art Carney win the 1974 best actor Oscar for A=Harry and Tonto
Q=Science And Nature: What's the only day named for a planet A=Saturday
Q=Science And Nature: What tropic passes through Australia A=Capricorn
Q=Television: Who was winnie the pooh's neighbor A=Piglet
Q=Quotations: Who said, "The greater the difficulty, the more the glory in surmounting it" A=Epicurus
Q=Quotations: Who said, "The greatest difficulties lie where we are not looking for them" A=Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Q=Quotations: Who said, "The greatest happiness of life is the conviction that we are loved - loved for ourselves, or rather, loved in spite of ourselves" A=Victor Hugo
Q=Quotations: Who said, "The greatest of all faults, I should say, is to be conscious of none" A=Thomas Carlyle
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Distrust any enterprise that requires new clothes" A=Henry David Thoreau
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Do not follow where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail" A=George Bernard Shaw
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Do not squander time, for that is the stuff life is made of" A=Benjamin Franklin
Q=Quotations: Who said, "A bikini is like a barbed-wire fence. It protects the property without obstructing the view" A=Joey Adams
Q=Quotations: Who said, "A billion here, a billion there - pretty soon it adds up to real money" A=Everett Dirksen
Q=Quotations: Who said, "A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog" A=Jack London
Q=Quotations: Who said, "A converted cannibal is one who, on Friday, eats only fishermen" A=Emily Lotney
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Do not wait for leaders; do it alone, person to person" A=Mother Teresa
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Do one thing at a time, and do that one thing as if your life depended on it" A=Eugene Grace
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Do what you can, with what you have, where you are" A=Theodore Roosevelt
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Do you realize the responsibility I carry... I'm the only person standing between Nixon and the White House" A=John F. Kennedy
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Doctors are the same as lawyers; the only difference is the lawyers merely rob you, whereas doctors rob you and kill you, too" A=Anton Chekhov
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Doctors can bury their mistakes, Architects can only advise their clients to plant vines" A=Frank Lloyd Wright
Q=Quotations: Who said, "I don't know the key to success, but the key to failure is to try to please everyone" A=Bill Cosby
Q=Quotations: Who said, "I don't make jokes. I just watch the government and report the facts" A=Will Rogers
Q=Music: Who recorded 'Cuts Like a Knife' in 1983 A=Bryan Adams
Q=Music: What was REO Speedwagon's 1983 chartbusting LP A=High Infidelity
Q=Music: What group did Steve Howe join in 1982 A=Asia
Q=Music: Who recorded 'Shadows of the Night' in 1982 A=Pat Benatar
Q=Music: Who recorded 'In the Air Tonight' in 1981 A=Phil Collins
Q=Music: What 80's band included members from Bad Company and Led Zeppelin A=The Firm
Q=Music: Who replaced Ronnie James Dio in Black Sabbath A=Ian Gillan
Q=Music: What is Paul McCartney's real first name A=James
Q=Music: What was John Lennon's real middle name A=Winston
Q=Music: What is Ringo Starr's real name A=Richard Starkey
Q=Music: Who is Pat Andrejewski better known as A=Pat Benatar
Q=Music: What is Ozzy Osbourne's real first name A=John
Q=Music: Who is David Robert Jones better known as A=David Bowie
Q=Music: Who recorded 'Long Tall Sally' in 1956 A=Little Richard
Q=Music: What song by Frankie Avalon went to #1 in 1959 A=Venus
Q=Music: Who played stand-up bass on Elvis' songs for Sun Records A=Bill Black
Q=Music: What 1958 song was The Coaster's only #1 hit A=Yakkety Yak
Q=Music: What 1958 Eddie Cochran song became his biggest US hit and a rock classic A=Summertime Blues
Q=Music: What was the original name of the group 'Chicago' A=Chicago Transit Authority
Q=Music: What instrument does Ravi Shankar play A=The Sitar
Q=Music: Who replaced Syd Barrett of Pink Floyd A=David Gilmour
Q=Music: What female rock star did Mike Wallace of '60 Minutes' interview in 1969 A=Janis Joplin
Q=Music: Who sang vocals for 'Big Brother and the Holding Company' A=Janis Joplin
Q=Music: Who replaced 'Bernie Leadon' of 'The Eagles' in 1975 A=Joe Walsh
Q=Music: What did Pat Benatar sing before she went into Rock music A=Opera
Q=Music: What John Lennon/David Bowie single went to #1 in 1975 A=Fame
Q=Science And Nature: What is the significance of the moth found in the Harvard Mark I computer A=First Computer Bug
Q=Science And Nature: What does VAX stand for A=Virtual Access eXtension
Q=Geography: What Indian word means "big village" A=Canada
Q=Animals: What animals cannot walk backwards A=Emus
Q=Animals: What animal only blinks one eye at a time A=Hampster
Q=Science And Nature: Who invented scissors A=Leonardo Da Vinci
Q=Animals: What is the only bird that can fly backwards A=Hummingbird
Q=Animals: What is the longest recorded flight of a chicken A=13 Seconds
Q=Science And Nature: What rare metal melts at 86 degress Fahrenheit A=Gallium
Q=Geography: What city exists on every continent A=Rome
Q=History: Who did Spain fight in the 1808-1814 Peninsular War A=Portugal
Q=Science And Nature: With what acid do nettles cause irritation A=Formic Acid
Q=Art And Literature: What did the old woman who lived in a shoe give her children for supper A=Broth
Q=Art And Literature: Which is the only English word to both begin and end with the letters U-N-D A=Underground
Q=Art And Literature: Which famous artist took up painting with his left hand when he lost the use of his right hand at the age of sixty A=Leonardo da Vinci
Q=Sport And Leisure: Who was the first person to make a million pounds out of playing golf A=Arnold Palmer
Q=Art And Literature: Who was the last to stab Caesar in Shakespeare's Julius Caesar A=Brutus
Q=Quotations: Who said, "A great many people think they are thinking when they are merely rearranging their prejudices" A=William James
Q=Quotations: Who said, "The trouble with being punctual is that nobody's there to appreciate it" A=Franklin P Jones
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Experience enables you to recognize a mistake when you make it again" A=Franklin P Jones
Q=Quotations: Who said, "I don't want to achieve immortality through my work, I want to achieve it through not dying" A=Woody Allen
Q=Quotations: Who said, "In his private heart no man much respects himself" A=Mark Twain
Q=Music: What type of singing does Pavarotti use A=Baritone
Q=Music: Who sang "Everybody wants to Rule the World" A=Tears for fears
Q=Television: What are the names of the Ninja Turtles (in alphabetical order) A=Donatello Leonardo Michelangelo Raphael
Q=Sport And Leisure: How many squares are on a Shogi (Japanese chess) board A=Eighty One
Q=Music: Who admited stealing a copy of his girlfriend's autobiography from an airport stand A=Rod Stewart
Q=Art And Literature: What ten volume tome did Victor Hugo give the world in 1862 A=Les Miserables
Q=Art And Literature: In "10,000 Leagues Under The Sea", what ship did Captain Nemo travel in A=Nautilus
Q=Television: What office supply item does Dilbert count A=Staples
Q=Television: Where does Dilbert think of inventions A=In the bathtub
Q=Television: What is the name of Dilbert's company's competitor A=Nirvana co
Q=Television: What item does Dogbert use to find empty chairs A=Dowsing rod
Q=Science And Nature: What goes with ruby, emerald & sapphire to make up the world's most valuable gems A=Diamond
Q=Science And Nature: A hot spring which shoots steam into the air is a what A=Geyser
Q=Music: What band did the music for the 1970s film saturday night fever A=The Bee Gees
Q=Movies: Neve Campbell & Courtney Cox are terrorized by a murderous horror movie fan in what movie A=Scream
Q=Sport And Leisure: Mark Mishon ate 61 of these in 7 minutes at The Obelix Creperie A=Pancakes
Q=Science And Nature: Who invented the phonograph A=Thomas Edison
Q=Sport And Leisure: What is the super bowl trophy called A=Vince Lombardy trophy
Q=Sport And Leisure: Mardi gras is French for what A=Fat Tuesday
Q=Sport And Leisure: What do table tennis players change after five points A=Service
Q=Sport And Leisure: What game of chance was originally called 'Beano' A=Bingo
Q=Science And Nature: Asparagus is a member of which family A=Lily
Q=Animals: What creatures do the Galapagos islands take their name from A=Tortoises
Q=Science And Nature: The three number systems commonly used in computers are binary, decimal and what A=Hexadecimal
Q=Science And Nature: This planet has an atmosphere that is 98 percent Helium A=Mercury
Q=Sport And Leisure: What vehicles are involved in the 'Tour de France' A=Bicycles
Q=Science And Nature: The coast line around which lake in North Dakota is longer than the California coastline along the Pacific Ocean A=Lake Sakakawea
Q=Science And Nature: What plant is opium derived from A=Poppy
Q=Television: What cartoon show's record prime time run of 6 years was beaten in 1996 by The Simpsons A=The Flintstones
Q=Sport And Leisure: What's the point scored immediately after deuce in tennis A=Advantage
Q=Science And Nature: What is the longest muscle in the human body A=Sartorius
Q=Science And Nature: What fruits are sorted for ripeness by bouncing them A=Cranberries
Q=Sport And Leisure: What trophy is awarded to the winner of the NHL play-offs A=Stanley Cup
Q=History: The assassination of what country's Archduke led to World War I A=Austria
Q=Geography: What new territory was created in Canada in 1999 A=Nunavut
Q=Television: What is the name of Oprah Winfrey's production company A=Harpo
Q=Sport And Leisure: What woman won 6 gold medals in the Olympic Summer games A=Kristin Otto
Q=Science And Nature: The average adult human has 32 of these A=Teeth
Q=Sport And Leisure: This traditional Japanese wrestling sport takes place in a circular ring A=Sumo Wrestling
Q=Science And Nature: What is the name of a device used to stem the flow of blood A=Tourniquet
Q=Quotations: Who said, "He's so ugly they ought to donate his face to the world wildlife fund" A=Muhammad Ali
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Better a witty fool than a foolish wit" A=Shakespeare
Q=Quotations: Who said, "If you can't convince them, confuse them" A=Harry S Truman
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Last week I stated that this woman was the ugliest woman I had ever seen. I have since been visited by her sister and now wish to withdraw that statement" A=Mark Twain
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Giving up smoking is the easiest thing in the world. I know because I've done it thousands of times" A=Mark Twain
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Man - a figment of God's imagination" A=Mark Twain
Q=Quotations: Who said, "The secret of creativity is knowing how to hide your sources" A=Albert Einstein
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. THAT'S relativity" A=Albert Einstein
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Human beings are the only creatures on earth that allow their children to come back home" A=Bill Cosby
Q=Quotations: Who said, "A word to the wise ain't necessary -- it's the stupid ones that need the advice" A=Bill Cosby
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died" A=Erma Bombeck
Q=Quotations: Who said, "There is one thing I would break up over and that is if she caught me with another woman. I wouldn't stand for that" A=Steve Martin
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Boy, those French, they have a different word for everything." A=Steve Martin
Q=Quotations: Who said, "If women dressed for men, the stores wouldn't sell much -- just an occasional sun visor." A=Groucho Marx
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Ah, yes, divorce, from the Latin word meaning to rip out a man's genitals through his wallet." A=Robin Williams
Q=Quotations: Who said, "To find out a girl's faults, praise her to her girl friends." A=Benjamin Franklin
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." A=Benjamin Franklin
Q=Quotations: Who said, "With my wife I don't get no respect. I made a toast on her birthday to 'the best woman a man ever had.' The waiter joined me." A=Rodney Dangerfield
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Yeah, I know I'm ugly...I said to a bartender, 'Make me a zombie.' He said 'God beat me to it.'" A=Rodney Dangerfield
Q=Quotations: Who said, "I'm taking Viagra and drinking prune juice - I don't know if I'm coming or going" A=Rodney Dangerfield
Q=Quotations: Who said, "A girl phoned me the other day and said ... Come on over, there's nobody home. I went over. Nobody was home." A=Rodney Dangerfield
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Women are like Elephants. I like to watch them, but I wouldn't want to own one." A=W.C. Fields
Q=Quotations: Who said, "A woman's mind is cleaner than a man's. She changes it more often." A=Oliver Herford
Q=Quotations: Who said, "My wife is a sex object - every time I ask for sex, she objects." A=Les Dawson
Q=Quotations: Who said, "What would bug a guy from the Taliban more than seeing a gay woman in a suit surrounded by Jews?" A=Ellen DeGeneres
Q=Quotations: Who said, "I went to a meeting for premature ejaculators. I left early." A=Jack Benny
Q=Quotations: Who said, "My mom was a ventriloquist and she always was throwing her voice. For ten years I thought the dog was telling me to kill my father." A=Wendy Leibman
Q=Quotations: Who said, "I once made love to a female clown, and she twisted my penis into a poodle. " A=Dan Whitney
Q=Quotations: Who said, "I think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose; they should draw the line at goats though." A=Sir Elton John
Q=Quotations: Who said, "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers." A=Thomas Watson
Q=Quotations: Who said, "A computer once beat me at chess, but it was no match for me at kick boxing." A=Emo Philips
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former." A=Albert Einstein
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Playing golf is like going to a strip joint. After 18 holes you're tired and most of your balls are missing." A=Tim Allen
Q=Quotations: Who said, "Gravitation cannot be held responsible for people falling in love." A=Albert Einstein
Q=Quotations: Who said, "The only reason I made a commercial for American Express was to pay for my American Express bill." A=Peter Ustinov
Q=Quotations: Who said, "I don't drink these days. I am allergic to alcohol and narcotics. I break out in handcuffs." A=Robert Downey Junior
Q=Quotations: Who said, "I feel sorry for people who don't drink. When they wake up in the morning, that's as good as they're going to feel all day." A=Frank Sinatra
Q=Geography: What is the capital of Switzerland A=Bern
Q=Geography: What is the imaginary line on the surface of the earth approximately parallel to the geographical equator A=Aclinic Line
Q=History: Who was the king of Judah (800-783 bc) A=Amaziah
Q=Visual representation of individual people, distinguished by references to the subject's character, social position, wealth, or profession A=Portraiture
Q=Horoscope: What is the first sign of the zodiac, represented as the Ram A=Aries
Q=Astrology: What is the second sign of the zodiac, represented as the fore part of a bull A=Taurus
Q=Astrology: What is the third sign of the zodiac, represented by the Greeks as two children A=Gemini
Q=Astrology: What is the fourth sign of the zodiac, represented by the Greeks as a Crab A=Cancer
Q=Astrology: What is the fifth sign of the zodiac, represented by the Greeks as a Lion A=Leo
Q=Astrology: What is the sixth sign of the zodiac, represented by the Greeks as a Virgin or 'maid' A=Virgo
Q=Astrology: What is the seventh sign of the zodiac, represented by Eve crushing the Serpent's head and the Serpent, or Scorpion, striking at the Virgin's heel A=Libra
Q=Astrology: What is the eighth sign of the zodiac, represented by a Scorpion A=Scorpio
Q=Astrology: What is the nineth sign of the zodiac, represented as a Centaur loosing an arrow A=Sagittarius
Q=Astrology: What is the tenth sign of the zodiac, represented by a Goat with crooked horns and the hind parts of a Fish A=Capricorn
Q=Astrology: What is the eleventh sign of the zodiac, represented by a young man bearing either a pitcher of water or a cup A=Aquarius
Q=Astrology: What is the twelveth sign of the zodiac, represented by two fishes A=Pisces
Q=Astrology: what is the ancient Chinese oracle book ("Book of Changes") that deals with philosophy and divination A=I-Ching
Q=Science And Nature: In engineering, what is the measurement or control of equipment by fluid jet devices A=Fluidics
Q=Science And Nature: The force that brings moving bodies to a halt is what A=Friction
Q=Science And Nature: What is the science pertaining to the earth's interior heat A=Geothermics
Q=Science And Nature: What is the name for a sexual disorder in which a person obtains gratification by receiving physical pain or abuse A=masochism
Q=Science And Nature: Also called Bettas, the males of what fish species are bred in Thailand for the purpose of competitive combat, with people gambling on the matches A=Siamese Fighting Fish
Q=Science And Nature: In physics, process of reduction of matter into a denser form, as in the liquefaction of vapor or steam A=Condensation
Q=Animals: Hybrid offspring of the jackass (male ass) and the mare, much used and valued in many parts of the world as a beast of burden A=Mule
Q=Religion: In Christian churches, the universal rite of initiation, performed with water A=Baptism
Q=Science And Nature: Which inventor and teacher of the deaf, is famous for his invention of the telephone A=Alexander Graham Bell
Q=History: His ship was the H.M.S. Beagle A=Charles Darwin
Q=Religion: What are followers of the Unification Church called A=Moonies
Q=Science And Nature: Acute, infectious, contagious disease of the respiratory tract, especially the trachea A=Influenza
Q=Entertainment: Which is the best Poker hand A=Royal Flush
Q=Music: Her headline hit in 1984 was "Girls Just Want To Have Fun" A=Cyndi Lauper
Q=Music: The art of extemporization or creating all or part of a composition at the moment of performance A=Improvisation
Q=Music: What trumpeter led all other jazz musicians in Ed Sullivan Show appearances A=Louis Armstrong
Q=History: who was the first head of an arab nation to make peace with israel A=Anwar Sadat
Q=Art And Literature: Who was Lancelot's son in Arthurian legend A=Galahad
Q=Sports: What boxer played the lead in the broadway musical buck white A=Muhammad Ali
Q=Food: Who gave us malted milk A=William Horlick
Q=Geography: Where would you find the yoruba people A=Nigeria
Q=Geography: What connects Kabul with Peshawar A=Khyber Pass
Q=Religion: How many suicides are recorded in the bible A=Seven
Q=Geography: What U.S. state boasts the world's largest mass of exposed granite A=Georgia
Q=Animals: What word is used for a female fox A=Vixen
Q=Animals: Common name for many rodents belonging to the same family as the woodchuck (marmot), chipmunk, and prairie dog A=Squirrel
Q=Art And Literature: What artist cut off his right ear A=Vincent van Gogh
Q=Geography: Which country is identified by the letters ma A=Morocco
Q=Sports: What sport has you hike out while close-hauled A=Sailing
Q=Television: Who was the leader of the good Transformers A=Optimus Prime
Q=Television: What was Angela's son's name in Who's the Boss A=Jonathon
Q=Television: Who was the famous TV painter from the 80's A=Bob Ross
Q=Geography: What Western U.S, state has towns named Bisbee, Bullhead City, Gila Bend and Patagonia A=Arizona
Q=Science And Nature: What life-threatening event do heart specialists abbreviate "MI" A=Myocardial Infarction
Q=History: What Asian nation gave Michael Fay four whacks on the butt with a rattan cane for spray painting cars, in 1994 A=Singapore
Q=Geography: What U.S national park suffered a fire that charred one-third of its territory, in 1988 A=Yellowstone
Q=Movies: What Al Pacino movie averages 1.8 swear words per minute A=Scarface
Q=Sports: What WWF star, described by Entertainment Weekly as "Xena gone bad," typically wields a signature "nut shot" A=Chyna
Q=Geography: What was the only major industrialized nation to see its citizens' life expectancy decrease in the 1970s A=The Soviet Union
Q=Science And Nature: What leathery-leaf plant is the most widespread in Australia A=Eucalytpus
Q=Geography: What is the Capital of Australia A=Canberra
Q=Geography: What is the Capital of Canada A=Ottawa
Q=Geography: What is Canada's southernmost point of land A=Middle Island, Ontario
Q=Geography: What is Canada's most densely populated province A=Prince Edward Island
Q=Animals: Saguenay-St, Lawrence Marine Park is home to what endangered animal A=beluga whale
Q=Geography: What was the community of Iqaluit on Baffin Island formally known as A=Frobisher Bay
Q=Geography: Which Canadian boundary is not in dispute A=Yukon-Alaska
Q=Geography: What is Canada's easternmost point of land A=Cape Spear, Newfoundland
Q=Geography: The islands of Saint Pierre and Miquelon off Newfoundland's south shore belong to who A=France
Q=Music: "Janie's Got a Gun" was on their 1989 album "Pump" A=Aerosmith
Q=Science And Nature: What is the hardest bone in the human body A=Jawbone
Q=Music: What band sold the most number of records in the 1970's A=Led Zepplin
Q=Food: A banana is not a fruit, but a what A=Herb
Q=Animals: What is a group of lion's called A=Pride
Q=Science And Nature: What is the acronym for quasi-stellar radio source, any of the blue, starlike objects that are strong radio emitters and the spectra of what exhibit a strong red shift A=Quasar
Q=Acronyms: What does the "E" stand for in the name of the relief organization 'CARE' A=Everywhere
Q=Acronyms: What does the "S" stand for in the acronym 'SCUBA' A=Self-Contained
Q=Acronyms: What does the "L" stand for in the acronym 'LASER' A=Light
Q=Acronyms: What does the "S" stand for in the wartime medical acronym 'MASH' A=Surgical
Q=Acronyms: What does the "A" stand for in the computer acronym 'ASCII' A=American
Q=Acronyms: What does the "T" stand for in the international acronym 'NATO' A=Treaty
Q=Acronyms: What does the "S" stand for in the sports acronym 'NASCAR' A=Stock
Q=Entertainment: Which film about Germany won most prizes in 1976 A=Cabaret
Q=Scrabble: Can you unscramble MYNIMGSUA A=GYMNASIUM
Q=Scrabble: Can you unscramble ETANEHSAISA A=ANAESTHESIA
Q=Scrabble: Can you unscramble PSOCMEO A=COMPOSE
Q=Scrabble: Can you unscramble VCEHALAAN A=AVALANCHE
Q=Scrabble: Can you unscramble NFAOHIS A=FASHION
Q=Scrabble: Can you unscramble EULEIJVN A=JUVENILE
Q=Scrabble: Can you unscramble HNEOPEMONN A=PHENONMENON
Q=Scrabble: Can you unscramble MISWOD A=WISDOM
Q=Scrabble: Can you unscramble NEABRALOSE A=REASONABLE
Q=Scrabble: Can you unscramble ESELIUR A=LEISURE
Q=Musical Opposites: UGly Night (U2) A=Beautiful Day
Q=Musical Opposites: Worse Woman (Robbie Williams) A=Better Man
Q=Musical Opposites: You Didn't know you hated me (Savage Garden) A=I knew I loved you
Q=Musical Opposites: You're without me (Avril Lavigne) A=I'm with you
Q=Musical Opposites: Cloudy went away (Shawn Colvin) A=Sunny came home
Q=Musical Opposites: Ken Boy (Aqua) A=Barbie Girl
Q=Musical Opposites: Mama Do Practice (Madonna) A=Papa Don't Preach
Q=Musical Opposites: Small Purple Bus (Joni Mitchell) A=Big Yellow Taxi
Q=Musical Opposites: Demon (Shaggy) A=Angel
Q=Musical Opposites: Down (Shania Twain) A=Up
Q=Animals: I am a flightless bird and am an answer to a lot of crossword puzzle clues. I am second in size to the Ostrich as far as flightless birds go. Who am I A=Emu
Q=Animals: I have heard that I have a suicide wish, as do many of my fellow species. We all supposedly discussed it and we decided to jump off of any icy cliff. However, we were just migrating. I have no idea how these rumors get started! Don't mess with me! I can be a hostile rodent. Who am I A=Lemming
Q=Animals: I am a type of dolphin but you would not know that if I introduced myself to you. I believe that I have gotten a bum rap after I saw a movie made about me. I am a carnivore, however. Who am I A=Killer Whale
Q=Animals: I am considered to be a type of cockroach and do admit that I see them at family reunions. However, unlike my earth-bound counterparts, I can fly. I am also a sizable fellow. Who am I A=Palmetto Bug
Q=Animals: I am often confused with a salamander and was just asked out to dinner the other night by one and I came clean and told him whom I really was. I am an amphibian though. After tracing my family tree, I found out that people would consider me to be a salamander depending on where they are in the world. I got that date after all! Who am I A=Newt
Q=Animals: I like to go by the alias "ant bear" because I used to have a fake ID that said I was one. I can also be found as the very first animal in the dictionary. Who am I A=Aardvark
Q=Animals: Help us! Our species is going extinct. I have been called "Sea Cow" once too many times, but I am so timid that I just turn the other cheek. I am not too violent. Florida is my favorite state! Who am I A=Manatee
Q=Animals: I am proud to say that I am the largest member of the monkey family. I just looked in the mirror to admire my long, naked dog-like muzzle. Who am I A=Baboon
Q=Animals: If you are reading this, then our species has unfortunately gone extinct. This is my last will and testament. Things used to be so nice on the island of Mauritius before you pesky humans came around. I may not have been able to fly but I was a nice bird! Who am I A=Dodo Bird
Q=Animals: I bit an Egyptian goddess one time and then I later saw a movie about her life. Perhaps I should have spared her. I think they could have gotten someone else to play the role of "Cleopatra", besides Elizabeth Taylor, but that is just my opinion. Who am I A=Asp
Q=Wordwise: LOFALLINGVE A=Falling in love
Q=Wordwise: 1 2 3 4 5 Paint A=Paint by numbers
Q=Wordwise: LASISTERW A=Sister in law
Q=Wordwise: R3OW A=three in a row
Q=Wordwise: PRO MISE A=broken promise
Q=Wordwise: feature feature A=Double Feature
Q=Wordwise: THEITSBAG A=Its in the bag
Q=Wordwise: night fly A=fly by night
Q=Wordwise: Day Yesterday A=Day before yesterday
Q=Wordwise: KIRDN A=Mixed drink
Q=Wordwise: 2 x 2 A=two by two
Q=Wordwise: TOGETUCH A=get in touch
Q=Wordwise: LISTANDNE A=stand in line
Q=Wordwise: STANDARD STARNDARD A=double standard
Q=Wordwise: TIMEINTIME A=in between times
Q=History: What city did Jack the Ripper terrorize in the 19th century A=London
Q=History: Before which birthday was French heroine Joan of Arc burned at the stake A=nineteenth
Q=History: Who became the Prince of Wales in 1503 after the death of his elder brother, Arthur A=Henry VIII
Q=Quotes: Who said "My definition of a free society is a society where it is safe to be unpopular" A=Adlai Stevenson
Q=History: Princess Beatrice was crowned Queen of what country in 1980 A=Netherlands
Q=Geography: What country was once known as New Holland A=Australia
Q=Geography: Mount Kilauea is the central feature of Hawaii Volcanoes National Park. It is located on which of the Hawaiian Islands A=Hawaii
Q=Geography: What is the longest river in Italy A=Po
Q=Geography: What is the capital of Missouri A=Jefferson City
Q=Geography: What mountain range was named after a companion of Hercules who was buried in the mountains after being killed by wild boars A=Pyrenees
Q=Geography: Maromokotro Peak and Tsaratanana Massif are 9,000-foot-plus peaks located on what large island A=Madagascar
Q=Geography: Where is the volcanic Mount Etna located A=Sicily
Q=Geography: Which country does NOT border Israel A=Saudi Arabia
Q=Geography: Which state is Mount Whitney located in A=California
Q=Geography: Petroglyph, Bandelier and El Morro are National Monuments found in what U.S. state A=New Mexico
Q=Geography: What tiny country is nestled between France and Spain A=Andorra
Q=Geography: Maromokotro Peak and Tsaratanana Massif are 9,000-foot-plus peaks located on what large island A=Madagascar
Q=Science And Nature: What is a mudskipper A=Fish
Q=Science And Nature: In 1998, scientists announced they had made 50 clones of what animal A=Mice
Q=Science And Nature: The drug mecamylamine serves what purpose A=Lowers blood pressure
Q=Science And Nature: What was the first synthetic plastic A=Celluloid
Q=Science And Nature: If you are suffering from cephalalgia, what should you do A=Take some aspirin
Q=Science And Nature: How many equal sides are there in an isosceles triangle A=Two
Q=Science And Nature: What green pigment in plants is responsible for producing the basic elements of food A=Chlorophyll
Q=Science And Nature: What was discovered by Charles Best and Fredrick Banting in the year 1922 A=Insulin
Q=Science And Nature: Insulin regulates the use of glucose into all the body tissues except which one A=Brain
Q=Sport And Leisure: What is the average life span of a major league baseball? A=Seven Pitches
Q=History: Each king in a deck of playing cards represents a historically great king. Who does the King of Spades represent A=King David
Q=History: What was built by prisoners take from Changi Prison Camp? A=The Burma Railway
Q=Art And Literature: Nino Culotto was his pen-name. What was his REAL name? A=John O'Grady
Q=Art And Literature: In Greek legend, what was eaten on the island of Jerba? A=Lotuses
Q=Art And Literature: What was the name of Ulysses' son, who grew to manhood in his absence A=Telemachus
Q=History: What was the classical standard language of ancient India A=Sanskrit
Q=Movies: Who directed and starred in films such as "The Little Tramp" A=Charlie Chaplin
Q=History: Name the commoner who ruled Engalnd in 1658-59 A=Richard Cromwell
Q=Art And Literature: Which ghost ship is the theme of an 1841 opera by Richard Wagner A=The Flying Dutchman
Q=Art And Literature: Who wrote Les Miserables A=Victor Hugo
Q=Television: What was the first Japanese giant robot cartoon A=Mazinger Z
Q=Science And Nature: What star is closest to the sun A=Proxima Centauri
Q=History: Who was the 6th president of the United States A=John Quincy Adams
Q=Geography: Monopoly was modeled after what city A=Atlantic City
Q=History: When did World War II officially begin A=September 1st, 1939
Q=Geography: What's the capitol of Mongolia A=Ulan Bator
Q=Geography: What is the primary religion of Malta A=Roman Catholic
Q=Movies: What god were the Thugees worshipping in "Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom" A=Kali
Q=Television: Whose show was once called These Friends of Mine A=Ellen DeGeneris
Q=Movies: The plot of the horror flick "C.H.U.D." features cannibalistic bad guys from A=The sewers
Q=History: On October 25, 1760, which British monarch died when he fell off a toilet while drinking chocolate A=George II
Q=Movies: In what movie does a new passenger wreak havoc on a mining ship called the Nostromo A=Alien
Q=Television: Which is the oldest U.S. cable service A=HBO
Q=Art And Literature: which dwarf is the only one of the Seven Dwarfs not to have a beard A=Dopey
Q=History: Who was the only occupant of Berlin's Spandau Prison for 20 years, until he died in 1987 A=Rudolf Hess
Q=Geography: Which country is the world's leading producer of olives and grapes A=Italy
Q=History: Which United States president declared war against Great Britain in 1812 A=James Madison
Q=History: What African adventure was the largest and most expensive war fought by the British in the period between the Napoleonic Wars and World War I A=Boer War
Q=Music: In 1986, Falco hit #1 with "Rock Me Amadeus," a song about whom A=Mozart
Q=Science And Nature: Thomas Kurtz and John Kemeny met at the math department of Dartmouth, where they decided to come up with what easy-to-use computer language A=BASIC
Q=Science And Nature: What does ROM, as in "CD-ROM", stand for A=Read-only memory
Q=Science And Nature: If 26,000 of these did what they do best for 24 hours, the results would only weigh a pound. What are they A=Spiders
Q=Food: On an average day in the good old USA, 18 acres of this disappears. What is disappearing A=Pizza
Q=Food: Where do you fit in? Half of us will do it "straight" while the rest of us "get a little creative". What are we doing A=Eating an Oreo Cookie
Q=History: This started 210 years ago (give or take a year) under a spreading Buttonwood tree. What was it A=The New York Stock Exchange
Q=History: These were invented sometime during the 1200's. There is nothing to them but most people use them. The counter part has been around a lot longer, but this made them useful. What are they A=Buttonholes
Q=History: When the Titanic sank, 7,500 pounds of this also went to the bottom of the sea. What went down with the ship A=Ham
Q=Science And Nature: To please your Mummy and do it in the old fashion way, you would need at least 528 rolls of this product, what product A=Gauze Wrap
Q=Art And Literature: Who wrote the poem beginning "When I was one-and-twenty/I heard a wise man say" A=A.E. Housman
Q=History: Who provided the voice for the original Chatty Cathy Doll A=June Foray
Q=Geography: Which country is home to the world's longest suspension bridge A=Japan
Q=Television: The phrase - "Hello, world, here's a song that we're singing, come on get happy." is from what television sitcom A=The Partridge Family
Q=Geography: Where does genuine Waterford Crystal come from A=Ireland
Q=Sports: In 1989, Javier Sotomayor of Cuba became the first athlete to successfully clear what height in a high jump competition A=8 feet
Q=History: Which cruise line operates the Queen Elizabeth II A=Cunard
Q=Music: "Sweet Potato" is a nickname for what musical instrument A=Ocarina
Q=Food: What kind of vegetables are capsicums A=Peppers
Q=Science And Nature: Dendrology is a branch of botany, which specializes in what A=Trees
Q=History: When the Brownie Box Camera was introduced by Eastman Kodak in 1900, what was its retail price A=One Dollar
Q=History: What movement was founded by the Reverend William Booth A=The Salvation Army
Q=Movies: Whose first spoken words on film were "Give me a whiskey, ginger ale on the side - and don't be stingy, baby" A=Greta Garbo
Q=Science And Nature: What gland is responsible for producing tears A=Lacrimal Gland
Q=Science And Nature: What is defined as distance over time A=Average Speed
Q=Science And Nature: Arthroscopy is a medical technique to see inside the what A=Joints
Q=Science And Nature: Masters and Johnson studied what A=human sexuality
Q=Science And Nature: What is the technical term for tissue damage caused by exposure to cold A=frostbite
Q=Science And Nature: What is the basic living unit of an organism known as A=Cell
Q=Science And Nature: Dairy products such as milk, yogurt, and cheese are the primary sources of what mineral A=Calcium
Q=Science And Nature: The first heart transplant took place in what country A=South Africa
Q=Science And Nature: What is the strongest muscle in the body A=The masseters
Q=Science And Nature: In 1963, Michael DeBakey implanted the first artificial heart in a human. What city did it happen in A=Houston
Q=Science And Nature: Which hormone is called the growth hormone A=Somatotropin
Q=Science And Nature: What is the warming effect of the earth's atmosphere known as A=The Greenhouse Effect
Q=Science And Nature: Which nerve is located in the human jaw A=Maxillary
Q=Science And Nature: Where are a person's dura mater and pia mater A=Spinal cord
Q=Science And Nature: What part of the nervous system controls involuntary processes such as breathing and digestion A=The Autonomic Nervous System
Q=Science And Nature: Which scientist said, 'If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants' A=Issac Newton
Q=Science And Nature: Dr. Jonas Salk invented a vaccine for what disease A=polio
Q=Science And Nature: What is the state of dormancy in which certain animals spend the winter known as A=Hibernation
Q=Science And Nature: What is the molecular formula for water A=H2O
Q=Science And Nature: What is a synapse A=A gap between nerve cells
Q=Art And Literature: In Lord of the Rings, what is the name of the wizard who helps Frodo and company A=Gandalf
Q=Art And Literature: In Lord of the Rings, what race is Frodo A=hobbit
Q=Art And Literature: In Lord of the Rings, what is Strider's real name A=Aragon
Q=Art And Literature: In Lord of the Rings, who is the ringbearer of the one all mighty ring of power A=Frodo
Q=Art And Literature: In Lord of the Rings, what is an another name for the Black Riders A=Ringwraiths
Q=Art And Literature: In Lord of the Rings, where is the House of Elornd located A=Rivendell
Q=Television: Patrick Stewart plays the part of Captain Picard in which tv show A=Star Trek: The Next Generation
Q=Television: In which tv show, Tony dreams of becoming the police commissioner and is studying to do just that. In the opening theme he is seen reading the book "Tissue Decomposition: A Homicide Primer" A=The Commish
Q=Television: Which soap was named after a fictional tavern located on Manhattan's West Side A=Ryan's Hope
Q=Television: Debra Messing plays the part of an interior decorator in which tv show A=Will and Grace
Q=Television: The title character in which cartoon is the fastest mouse in Mexico A=Speedy Gonzales
Q=Television: In what tv game show did two teams try to communicate a secret word between them in order to win a prize that could reach $60,000 A=Hot Streak
Q=Television: Which tv show is about a young intern in a large metropolitan hospital trying to learn his profession, deal with problems of the patients, and win the respect of Dr. Gillespie A=Doctor Kildare
Q=Television: Tad dressed up as a chicken to pop the question to Dixie the first time on which soap A=All My Children
Q=Television: What early 70's Hanna/Barbera show starred a butterfingered football star who played for the Rhinos A=Where's Huddles
Q=Television: What cartoon's character has a dog named Bandit A=Johnny Quest
Q=Television: Winged creatures that are two animals in one are featured in which cartoon A=Wuzzles
Q=Television: Robert Urich plays the title character in what tv show A=Spenser For Hire
Q=Television: Larry Drake won an Emmy for his portrayal of Benny Stulwicz, a mentally retarded office boy, in which tv show A=L.A. Law
Q=Television: Which tv show tells the story of the wealthy Tate family and the middle-class Campbell family A=Soap
Q=Television: Robert Wagner starred in which tv show as Alexander Mundy, a suave thief who was released from prison on condition that he undertake certain sensitive missions for the government A=It Takes a Thief
Q=Television: In what cartoon was Pebbles born at the Rockville Hospital on February 22, 10,000 B.C. at 8:00pm. She weighed 6 pounds, 12 ounces A=The Flintstones
Q=Television: Wink Martindale was the host of what tv game show A=Tic Tac Dough
Q=Television: What confrontational TV host calls his production company MoPo A=Maury Povich
Q=Art And Literature: What word for indigenous people comes from a Latin phrase that means "from the beginning" A=Aborigine
Q=Religion: What set of magical beliefs began when 17th-century slaves fell into trances, posessed by loa, or spirits A=Voodoo
Q=History: What was the first nation ever suspended from the Council of Europe, for human rights violations, in 2000 A=Russia
Q=Food: What vegetable did Mark Twain call "cabbage with a college education" A=Cauliflower
Q=History: How many chickens did you need to barter for an AK-47 on Uganda's black market, in 2000 A=One
Q=Food: "Dragon Whiskers" is a type of tea from what country A=China
Q=Food: '7x' was used to refer to the secret ingredient of which drink A=Coca-Cola
Q=Art And Literature: A group of Whales is called a A=Pod
Q=Art And Literature: After who was the 'Decibel' named A=Alexander Graham Bell