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ISO / IEC JTC 1/ SC 2 / WG 2

Please fill Sections A, B, and C below. Section D will be filled by SC 2 / WG 2

A. Administrative
1. Title
      Adjustments to the Armenian Code Table
2. Requester’s name
      Armenian Engineers and Scientists’ Association, Computer Standardization Committee
3. Requester type (Member body/Liaison/Individual contribution) 
      Member Body
4. Submission date
       June 1, 1996
5. Requester’s reference (if applicable)
6. Choose one of the following:
      a. This is a complete proposal
      b. More information will be provided later 

B. Technical - General
1. Choose one of the following:
      a. This proposal is for a new script (set of characters) 
      Proposed name of script 
      Not Applicable
      b. The proposal is for addition of character(s) to an existing block
      NO, it is for adjusting existent characters and symbols within the Armenian table.
        Name of the existing block
2. Number of characters in proposal
3. Proposed category (see  section II, Character Categories)
      A, Contemporary
4. Proposed Level of implementation (see clause 15, ISO/IEC 10646-1) 
      Level 3
      Is a rationale provided for the choice ? 
      This is based on the usage of these characters
      If YES, reference 
       See attached list of references.
5. Is a repertoire including character names provided?
      a. If YES, are the names in accordance with the character naming guidelines in Annex K of ISO/IEC 10646-1 ? 
      b. Are the character shapes attached in a reviewable form ?
6. Who will provide the appropriate computerized font (ordered preference: TrueType, PostScript or 96x96 bit-mapped format) for publishing the standard ?
      Already provided. Floppy disk is enclosed
      If available now, identify source(s) for the font (including address, e-mail, ftp-site, etc) and indicate the tools used:
      Font sources: 
      American University of Armenia, 40 Marshall Bagramian Street, Yerevan ARMENIA 
      Der Ohanian fonts, 701 DonMills Rd, Suite 1511 DonMills, Ontario M3C1R7, CANADA 
      Agosoft Inc.  1678 Shattuck #134 Berkeley CA 94709  USA
      Tool used: 
7. References:
      a. Are references (to other character sets, dictionaries, descriptive texts, etc.) provided ?
      YES, see attached
      b. Are published examples (such as samples from newspapers, magazines, or other sources) of use of proposed characters attached ? 
      See attached list of references and cross-references outlined for each symbol individually.

C. Technical - Justification
1. Has contact been made to members of the user community (for example: National Body, user groups of the script or characters, other experts, etc.) ?
      If YES, with whom ?
      National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Language Insitute of Armenia 
      American University of Armenia 
      Informatics Institute of Armenia 
      Manufacturers such as Papazian, DerOhanian, Bytec, Agosoft, Polybase, etc 
      AESA survey of speakers of the Armenian Language
      If YES, available relevant documents ? 
      See attached
2. Information on the user community for the proposed characters (for example: size, demographics, information technology use, or publishing use) is included ?
      Approximately 3 million speakers/writers of Armenian within Armenia 

      Approximately 5 million speakers/writers of Armenian within North and South America, Middle East, Europe, Australia, and other parts of the world

      Information technology use:
      Word processing, Desktop Publishing, Library Automation, Optical Characeter Recognition Personal computers, Internet, Unix Workstations,
      JAAIP, AUA communications, Hamazkayin news and information, National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
3. The context of use for the proposed characters (type of use: common or rare) 
      See attached list of references
4. Are the proposed characters in current use by the user community? 
      If YES, where? 
      Reference See attached.Printed literature in Armenia (especially Yerevan), Venice, Wien, Beirut, Marseille, Los Angeles, Boston, Moscow, Bucharest, Buenos Aires, Cairo, and everywhere else Armenians are scattered within their Diaspora
5. After giving due consideration to the principles in N 1252 must the proposed characters be entirely in the BMP?
      If YES, is a rationale provided ?
      4c. Symbols specific to the Armenian Language
      If YES, reference
      Dictionary of Armenology, by Hrant Petrosian, Sponsor of Publication: Chair of Armenian Language studies of the State University of Yerevan, Published by "Hayastan" Publishing house, 1987 pp. 143-146, 588Armenian Grammar (West Dialect) by Fr. S.L.Kogian, Mechitharist, Vienna, Austria, Mechitharist Press, 1949, pp. 21-23Armenian Language, Textbook of Normative Syntax, by S. G. Abrahamian, Sponsored by Education Department of Armenian SSR, Yerevan, "Luis", 1984, pp..312-313, 318-320
6. Should the proposed characters be kept together in a contiguous range (rather than being scattered) ?
      NO, as long as they are placed within the Armenian table space.See the attached proposed code point assignments
7. Can any of the proposed characters be considered a presentation form of an existing character sequence ?
      If YES, is a rationale for its inclusion provided?
      Not applicable
      If YES, reference
      Not applicable
8. Can any of the proposed character(s) be considered to be similar (in appearance or function) to an existing character?
      NO. Some symbols are remotely similar to other symbols (of other tables). Cross reference is provided.
      If YES, is a rationale for its inclusion provided?
      Not applicable 
      If YES, reference
      Not applicable
9. Does the proposal include use of combining characters and/or use of composite sequences (see clause 4.11 and 4.13 in ISO/IEC 10646-1) ?
      Added characters are not combining
      If YES, is a rationale for such use provided?
      Not applicable
      If YES, reference 
      Not applicable 
      Is a list of composite sequences and their corresponding glyph images (graphic symbols) provided ?
      Not applicable.
      If YES, reference
      Not applicable

D. SC 2 / WG 2 Administrative (To be completed by SC 2 / WG 2)
1. Relevant SC 2 / WG 2 document numbers:
2. Status (list of meeting number and corresponding action or disposition) 
3. Additional contact to user communities, liaison organization, etc. 
4. Assigned category and assigned priority / time frame 

Addition   1

002E PERIOD MIJAKET is larger
3002 IDEOGRAPHIC PERIOD MIJAKET does not have an empty center

Addition   2 and 3

00AB LEFT-POINTING GUILLEMET Chakert may have unequal upper vs. lower halves 
00BB RIGHT-POINTING GUILLEMET Chakert may have unequal upper vs. lower halves 
226A MUCH LESS THAN Chakert is smaller and may have unequal upper vs. lower halves
226B MUCH MORE THAN Chakert is smaller and may have unequal upper vs. lower halves

Addition 4

Addition 5
002D HYPHEN MIUTIAN GTSIK is based on the width of the letter ARMENIAN SA. and the width of the symbol ARMENIAN ANJATMAN GITS.

Addition 6

2015 QUOTATION DASH  ANJATMAN GITS is always preceded and followed with a space mark. Its width is based on the ARMENIAN letter AYB

Addition 7

0341 NON-SPACING ACUTE TONE MARK SIUN has a steeper angle of descent
0337 NON-SPACING SHORT SLASH OVERLAY SIUN starts from the upper right corner 
00B4 SPACING ACUTE SIUN descends more towards the center of the character cell

Addition   8

301E DOUBLE PRIME QUOTATION MARK YERKVOREAK descends closer to the center of the character cell
3003 DITTO MARK YERKVOREAK descends closer to the center of the character cell

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