process in Armenia
In November 2000 Association together
with Earth Council started the program dedicated to the
Rio+10 process. In the framework of this program Association
and Earth Council organized the following events:
With assistance of the Commission of Social, Health and
Environmental Issues of the National Assembly of RA organized
on November 6-7, 2000 the Regional Orientation Workshop
"Preparation to the World Summit "Rio+10"
and on November 8 - the National Conference on Earth Charter
with participation of NGO-s from Georgia and Azerbajdian.
In assistance of UN DPI and Union of Journalists of RA
the Journalist competition was organized in March 2001 in
the framework of announced by UN contest "101
ways to Sustainable Development" .
In cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Youth Affairs
and Sport of the Republic of Armenia with the generous support
of the Armenian Bar Association (a US non-profit organization)
the exhibition-contest "Agenda
21 in Children's Eyes" was organized in June
2001. The pictures of winners in two age groups were presented
in the exhibition during the Summit in Johannesburg.
The corresponding reports together with the results of
competitions was presented to CSD/DESA and Earth Council
and located in WSSD Web-site.
On June 1, 2001 the Association organized the
National Conference to discuss the non-governmental National
report for "Rio+10" World Summit. The English
translation of the Report was presented to the to CSD/DESA
and located in WSSD and Earth
Council Web-sites. The conference adopted creation
of non-governmental National Council for Sustainable Development.
Karine Danielyan was celected as a head of NCSD .
The members of Association participated in eight regional
Roundtables and seminars dedicated to "Rio+10"
During the Prepcom II Association receive accreditation
on WSSD.
According the Memorandum, signed with Earth Council in
September 2001 association obtain a status of South Caucasian
Regional Center for Sustainable Development. Under realization
of this project the electronic list-server was organized
to disseminate the information on sustainable development
and preparation to WSSD.
By the initiative of youth NGOs (such youth sections
as that of Association
"For Sustainable Human Development" and
"Yerevan Center of Democracy and Peace"), with
the support of specialized UN agencies such as UNDP and
UNDPI in Yerevan, Armenian residence of UN a conference
"Youth and Sustainable Development" was organized
on April 4-5, 2002 .
On May 13-14, as continuation to the above mentioned
event, a youth conference "Youth Participation in the
Process of Solving Environmental Problems" took place.
Organizers of the conference were UNDP, NGOs "Khazer",
"Burg" and the Youth Section of Association "For
Sustainable Human Development".
During December 2001 - May 2002 Association under the
support of Earth Council and UNEP leaded the creation of
nongovernmental National Conception for Sustainable
development of RA. This conception was approved by the national
conference on May 11.
Regional Workshop of Southern Caucasus NGOs on the topic
"Exchange of Experience on Preparation to WSSD"
took place on May 17-18, 2002 in Yerevan in the UN Office
in Armenia. The organizers of the workshop were: Association
"For Sustainable Human Development"/Regional Center
of the Earth Council on Sustainable Development for Southern
Caucasian countries/UNEP National Committee in Armenia,
Regional Environmental Center of Caucasus and UN Development
Program (UNDP).
This meeting was the second regional
meeting that took place in Southern Caucasus (the first
one had been held in Yerevan, Armenia in November 6-7 2000).
On the opening of the workshop were present: Minister of
Nature Protection MR. V.Aivazyan, Head of Standing Commission
of National Assembly of Armenia Mr. G. Tadevosyan, Deputy
Resident Representative of UNDP in RA Ms. Amal Medani. Representative
of REC Caucasus Mr. A. Martirosyan and UNDP Program Officer
Ms. A. Simonyan actively participated at the workshop.
Representatives of Azerbaijan, Armenian and Georgian NGOs
exchanged information on national assessment reports and
experience in participation at regional and global conferences,
as well as expressed their opinions concerning the ongoing
processes. Participants discussed the Sustainable Development
Concept of RA, developed by scientific/nongovernmental sector
of RA and the paper "Suggestions on Transition towards
Sustainable Development of Countries Covered by Activities
of New REC" developed by experts of Regional Ecological
Centers. Participants of the workshop exchanged experience
regarding various regional and global events connected with
the WSSD preparatory process and exchanged information on
preparation to the Summit in countries of Southern Caucasus.
The appeal of the Forum of RA Youth Organizations to the
WSSD was presented, environmental activities of national
youth groups of Southern Caucasus and outlooks of youth
cooperation in the sphere of SD were discussed.
Participants of the workshop
have decided to initiate the development of a Regional Concept
on SD for Southern Caucasian countries at the earliest possible
date and have adopted the Final document, which after
a revision will be distributed to all NGOs of the region.
National Conference "Sustainable Development
in Armenia. From Rio to Johannesburg" took place on
May 21. The event was organized by RA Government and UNDP.
Representatives of government, ministries, Parliament, National
Assembly (including the speaker of National Assembly Mr.
Armen Khachatryan), local authorities, NGOs, business sector,
academia, youth, etc. The discussed:
- Governmental
National Assessment Report "Rio+10";
- Main Principles of Sustainable Development Concept of
RA developed by Non-governmental/scientific sector of Armenia.
The main principles of the Concept underwent a discussion
and were confirmed;
- Issues connected with establishment of official NCSD in
In realization of the decision, adopted by Regional NGO
Workshop of Azerbaidzhan, Armenia and Georgia in Yerevan,
Armenia in May 17-18, 2002 the group of experts of three
countries under assistance of REC Caucasus developed the
basic principles of Regional Conception of transition to
Sustainable Development. Were organized Round Tables in
all three countries for discussing the draft of document.
On September 11-12 in Tbilisi, Georgia took place the meeting
of experts were the text were discussed. After the e-mail
consultations the Final text of the document "Main
principles and approaches of the Concept of Sustainable
Development for South Caucasus (NGO vision)" were disseminate
through Caucasus Region. The English
translation was presented during the WSSD in Johannesburg.