Main conferences, seminars, workshops and round tables, organized by the Association
• First National Conference “Sustainable Human Development and Armenia”, Yerevan, April 28-30, 1997.
• Sustainable Development; Nature and Society. Yerevan, November 30, 1998.
• Workshop “Report for NCSD Millennium Global Forum”, February 17-18 2000 Tsakhkadzor, Armenia.
• Regional Orientation Workshop “Preparation to the World Summit “Rio+10”, Yerevan, Nov. 6-7 2000.
• National Conference on Earth Charter, Yerevan, November 8, 2000.
• Regional preparatory meeting for “Rio+10 WSSD”, Yerevan, May 12, 2001.
• National Conference to discuss the non-governmental national report for "Rio+10" World Summit,
Yerevan, June 1, 2001.
• National conference on SD of RA, May 11 2002.
• Regional Workshop of NGOs of Southern Caucasus “Exchange of Experience on Preparation to WSSD. Yerevan, May 17-18 2002.
• National Workshop «Environmental Partnership East-West: Environmental Strategy for EECCA for the First Decade of the 21st Century», Yerevan,January 21 2003.
• Regional seminar “Education for sustainable development, Experience Exchange and Preparation to the UN ESD”. Yerevan, 22-23 December, 2003.
• A Roundtable “Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development: international experience and objectives of Armenia” for members and experts of Parliament, Yerevan, October 29 2004.
• A roundtable “GMO and GM-products and issues related to biological safety ”, Yerevan, 15.11, 2004.
• The Roundtable for members, experts and staff of RA Constitutional Court “Constitutional guarantees of sustainable development”. Yerevan, August 2 2005.
• A roundtable “GMO and GM-products and issues related to biological safety ”, Yerevan, 15.11, 2004.
• “Some Urgent Environmental Issues of Armenia in the Context of Undertaken International Obligations”/ with information support of UNDPI on May 26, 2008/.
The Aarhus Convention and Public Participation” (together with European Eco-Forum and “Khazer” NGO) in 28-29 October, 2009.
• Seminars “GEO-cities” in Yerevan (2006, 2010), Hrazdan (2009) and Gyumri (2009).
5 seminars/trainings for young ecologists, economists, lowers, yournalists in 2010-13.
• The youth section of Association organized the seminar/training for 23 journalists in November 19-23 on the topics in the sphere of Environment and Sustainable Development in mass-media: the challenges and solutions/ 2015.
• 2 conferences in Yerevan and 24 round-tables in Yerevan and RA regions on implementation of Rio+20 Summit recommendation and SDGs in RA in 2014-2016.
• 5 round –tables in UN –Armenia office in the framework of the project “Challenges of children faced by environmental degradation and climate change and main proposal solutions”, 2016-2018.
Association participated in numerous conferences, particularly:
• "Rio+5" European conference, Minsk, 1997.
• World Summit on Sustainable Development “Rio+10”- Johannesburg, 2002.
• 13th Session of UN Commission on Sustainable Development, New York, 2005.
• “Environment for Europe” Ministerial conferences - Kiev, 2003; Belgrad, 2007.
• Forth Ministerial Conference on Environment and Health, Budapest, 2004.
• Governance for WSSD Implementation in Countries with Economies in Transition, Turkey, 2003.
• UNEP National Committees Annual meetings, 2001 – 2010, Geneva, Switzerland.
• UNEP meetings and consultations in the frames of Global Environmental Outlooks (GEO-3, GEO-5).
• EECCA Regional Workshop on Compliance with and Enforcement of Global Environmental Agreements -
Kiev, 2004.
• International scientific-practical conference on Sustainable Development, Minsk, 2004
• Regional Workshop on Strengthening the Capacity for Social Monitoring in the CIS: MDGs and PRSP. Yerevan, 2004.
• UN General Assembly Conference on Financial Crisis - New York, 2009.
• GMGSF-XI, UNEP Governing Council/Global Ministerial Environment Forum - Bali, 2010.
• World Summit on Sustainable Development “Rio+20”- Rio-de-Janeiro – 2012.
• Subregional Expert Consultation meeting “Enhancing Regional Integration of Landlocked Developing Countries in North and Central Asia”, Almaty, Kazakhstan, 8 December 2015.
• “Environment for Europe” Ministerial conferences in Astana, 2011, and Batumi 2016.
• Regional Forum on Sustainable Development, organized by UNECE, Geneva, 10.05.2016.
• “First Congress of Assembly of Eurasia Peoples, Moscow, on May, 27-29, 2017.
• “The actual scientific and scientific-technical problems of chemical safety ensuring”. Moscow, NAS, 17-18 October, 2018.
• “North and Central Asia Forum on Implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals”, UN, Tbilisi, 3 - 4 September 2018.
• II International Symposium “ Education for Sustainable Development for All Generations as Social Agreement”, Minsk, 6-7 December, 2018.- UN FAO Consultation on Sustainable Development Goals Implementation in Europe and Central Asia, Budapest, 3-4 September 2019.
• UN FAO Consultation on Sustainable Development Goals Implementation in Europe and Central Asia, Budapest, 3-4 September 2019, and other.
Activity 2008-2018
Youth, Sustainability and Presidential Election 2008.
Support civil society capacity building in participation and monitoring of large development projects in Armenia. 2008.
Assessment of Implementation of European Union–Armenia Action Plan. 2009.
Contemporary Environmental Issues through the eyes of journalists: Challenges and Ways of Solving” (two seminars, March 9-11 and May 26-28, 2012).
Training course "Participation and Networking: challenges for youth in creating democratic and sustainable society through promotion of fair elections" /26.04.2012 – 02.05.2012/.
Capacity-building workshop “Hate speech on-line” / 29.11.2012 – 02.12.2012/.
“Enabling dialogue between governmental structures and non-governmental sector within the framework of the “Post Rio+20” process in Armenia”, 2014-2016.
Projects “GEO-Hrazdan”, GEO-Gyumri” and “GEO-Lake Sevan” in 2010-2012. Challenges of children faced by environmental degradation and climate change and main proposal solutions , 2016-2018.
Activity 2001-2007
In December 2001 – May 2002 Association under the support of Earth Council and UNEP headed the creation of nongovernmental National Conception for Sustainable development of RA. This conception was approved by the national conference on May 11 2002 .
On May 17-18 2002 Regional Workshop of NGOs of Southern Caucasus “Exchange of Experience on Preparation to WSSD” was held in the hall of UNDP residence in Armenia . Association “For SHD”/UNEP National Committee/Regional Center of the Earth Council, UNDP and REC Caucasus were the organizers of the event. Participants — 17 NGOs of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia — exchanged information on National Assessment Reports, experience in participation at regional and global forums, shared their opinion on the preparation process to WSSD in the region and in the world in general. Participants of the workshop came to a conclusion that it is necessary to develop a regional document on transition to SD, which would reflect the position of the nongovernmental /scientific sector of countries of Southern Caucasus and present it at WSSD.
Association actively participate in creation of official National report for WSSD in Johannesburg . This report was adopted by National Conference “Sustainable Development in Armenia.From Rio to Johannesburg ” which took place on May 21 2002 The main principles of the Concept underwent a discussion and were confirmed. As a results of the lobbing of Association the National Conference arrived at the decision to establish a National Council on Sustainable Development of RA.
In realization of the decision, adopted by Regional NGO Workshop in Yerevan , Armenia in May 17-18, 2002 the group of experts of three countries under assistance of REC Caucasus developed the document “ Main principles and approaches of the Concept of Sustainable Development for South Caucasus (NGO vision)”. The English translation were presented during the WSSD in Johannesburg .
President of Association Prof. K.Danielyan participated in the WSSD in Johannesburg as a member of the governmental delegation of RA.
In the framework of preparing to 5 th Ministerial Conference in Kiev, May 21-23 2003, Association organized on 21.01.2003 the National Workshop in the Republic of Armenia dedicated to discussions of the document “Environmental Partnership East-West: Environmental Strategy for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia for the first decade of the 21 st century) which summed up the whole preparatory process.
Association actively conducts WSSD follow-up:
• developed a regional document on WEHAB (with support of REC Caucasus and in co-operation with NGOs and experts of Azerbaijan and Georgia );
• published an eco-bulletin (with support of UNEP), was issued 6 th numbers;
• conducted a number of seminars for NGOs and mass-media, lectures for teachers and pupils (with the support of UNDPI and UNDP);
• implemented the regional project "Sustainable Cities" ( January-December 2003, Association was the organisation-leader) with the support of REC Caucasus and Swiss Government and in co-operation with NGOs and Local Authorities of Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia (the guidelines for LA21 are prepared and published). In Armenia the project was realised in Hrazdan and Charentsavan cities ;
• the Chairperson of the Association is the scientific editor of the second National Environmental Report of the Republic of Armenia , 2002 (The report was published in 2003 under the support of UN ECE, the Association was involved for the including the SD principles into the report. )
In Oct. 2002 - May 2003 Association realized the project “T he civil society as an equal partner of state and economic structures in the conditions of globalization of economy”.
At January 21 2003 under the support of UNDP Association organized the National Workshop, dedicated to discussions of the document «Environmental Partnership East-West: Environmental Strategy for Eastern Europe, Caucasus and Central Asia for the First Decade of the 21 st Century».
22-23 December, 2003, Association organized in Yerevan , Armenia under the support of OSCE and UNDP/GEF the Regional seminar “Education for sustainable development, Experience Exchange and Preparation to the UN Decade of “Education for Sustainable Development (ESD)” in which participated NGOs from Armenia , Azerbaijan and Georgia . The materials of the seminar was published in the Eco-bulletin N5.
A Roundtable “Theory and Practice of Sustainable Development: international experience and objectives of Armenia ” for members and experts of Parliament was organized by the Association in October 29 2004 in the RA National Assembly under the support of OSCE and UNDP.
Starting from 2004 representatives of Association present environmental NGOs in PRSP negotiation group and Coordination Council of RA Government.
In Sept. – Dec. 2004 Association together with Greens Union of Georgia, Friends of Earth participated in the Regional project “Increase of public awareness on GMO and GM-products issues, assistance to forming an institutional approach to this problem with the aim of minimizing the related risks”. Were organized the Round table in Yerevan , the materials of it were published it Eco-bulletin.
In October 2004 – June 2005 Association together with Eco-Accord, Russia under the support of Ford Foundation participate in the project “ Globalisation, trade and sustainable development in the NIS countries, 2004 – 2005”.During the project was organised the Round Table and published the brochure, dedicated to the problems of agriculture and WTO in Armenia.
The Roundtable for members, experts and staff of Constitutional Court of Armenia “Constitutional guarantees of sustainable development” were organised by the Association in August 2 2003 under the support of OSCE. The reports, presented during the Round Table were published in the book.
In November 2005 Association was included by the International Award commission, Amsterdam , Netherlands , in the top 10 NGOs working in the field of Education for SD with Earth Charter.
During the June – December 2006 Association participate in the project “ Consultancy and training activities to support UNDP Project on Strengthening the capacities of the National Council on Sustainable Development and civil society to Promote SD principles ”. During the project realization association organized 5 roundtables: 3 in Yerevan : together with Yerevan city administration, for deputies and experts of National parliament and for representatives of different ministries (the last one together with Minitry of Nature protection of RA). Three round tables were organized in the regions (marzes) of Armenia – Shirak (Gjumry city), Kotaik (Hrazdan city) and Ararat (Artashat city). Three TV broadcasts were conduct. Two books were published after the project close-out.
In December 2005 – April 2007 Association lead the UNEP/GRID project “Environmental Status Report of Yerevan”. As the result of the project were published the “Environmental Status report of Yerevan , 2004 - 2005”.
In February – May 2007 Association together with WWF Armenian Branch realized the project “Neighborhood and Environment. Building the capacity of NGOs in the South Caucasus”.
Association involved in the following country reports preparation:
- Country assessment reports for NCSD Forum in 2000 and
- Rio +10 National assessment reports for WSSD, Johannesburg , 2002,
- National Environmental Report – 2002 /2003/,
Association participated in elaboration of Country report on Millenium Development Goals, /2003 – 2005, UNDP office in Armenia /.
With participation of NGO-center in a number of Yerevan schools seminars have been organized for students and teachers on Sustainable Human Development Concept and experience of developed countries in this field.
There have been published in the press 32 articles, organized 24 radio and TV programs dedicated to the problems of ecology and SD.
Members of Association made speeches in numerous conferences,
symposiums, seminars, "round-tables", etc. both in and out
of the country. On the whole more than 50 reports and speeches
were delivered and two stands prepared on corresponding
Among the above mentioned forums the following international conferences may be emphasized:
- Third Caucasian conference "Caucasian Crisis and the rescue ways (politics, ecology, economy and ethno-culture)" (Tbilisy, Georgia, September 19-21,1996),
- Moscow Conference "Environment and War" (Moscow, Russia, April 19-21,1996),
- The Conference "Lake Sevan: problems and the actions strategy" (Sevan, Armenia, October 13-16, 1996),
- The Regional UN Conference "Sustainable Development of Countries with "Economies in Transition, Minsk, Belarus, April 28-30,1997),
- International Seminar "Permaculture and Sustainable Development" (Novosibirsk-Akademgorodok,
Russia, August 17-29, 1997).
Association together with the State
University organized the First National Conference "Sustainable
Human Development and Armenia" on April 28-30, 1997. The
conference was held within framework of "Rio +5" world process,
with the help of UNDP and Ministry of Economy of RoA. Many
reports (113) were presented from the parliament, different
ministries, educational institutions, NGOs. All materials
of the conference were collect and published in 3 languages:
Armenian, Russian, English. These materials and the book
were sent to different libraries of the CIS, and presented
on the Minsk conference.
In 1996, according to the order of UNDP mission in Armenia and with financial support of UNDP and Ministry of Economy of Armenia Association prepared and published a textbook for higher schools "The Sustainable Human Development Concept: Theory and Practice"
A sociological survey has been conducted by 25 members of the Association among the intellectuals in different regions of Armenia, to clear up two main questions:
1. What does the population of Armenia know about the SHDC and the corresponding world experience?
2. How are the present situation and development tendencies of Armenia evaluated from the point of view of the SHD Concept on the whole and by different aspects - environmental, economic, social and political?
The obtained results were analyzed and presented to Armenian Government and UNDP, as well as published in the press.
Association took active participation in preparing of the National Report on Sustainable Development (the reply to the UN detailed Questionnaire).
Four projects on the principle aims and goals of the Association (participation in the elaboration of the SHD Concept of Armenia, creation of the SHD Center, etc.) have been presented to the UNDP program "Transition to Development".
The active participation of Association
in the country's public life was expressed in other forms
as well. Particularly, together with other NGOs a number
of open-letters and appeals to different instances, concerning
environmental, democracy, defense, human rights and other
issues were written and signed on behalf of the Association.
The members of Association participated also in the series
of relating actions. Some positive results can be mentioned.
The President of the Association and the Vice President
A.Yeghiazarian are the members and the founders of the Democracy
Defense Committee of RoA.
Association has repeatedly appealed to the Government of Armenia with an offer to form a National Council on SHD. Materials on the mission, objectives, functions and tentative composition of the Council have been presented as well.
Although the issue is periodically discussed, however, the final decision has not been reached yet.
The whole activity in 1997 has been conducted under the motto of participation in the World Process "Rio + 5".
National Report on Sustainable Development (the reply to
the UN detailed questionnaire), presented to the Special
Session of the UN General Assembly (June, 1997), has been
prepared by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic
of Armenia with the active participation of the Association.
On April 28-30, 1997, together with
Yerevan State University, Association organized and held
the First National Conference "Sustainable Human Development
and Armenia".113 reports from governmental, scientific,
private, and social sectors were presented at the conference.
The Proceedings of the conference have been published in
Armenian, Russian and English. The project has been accomplished
with the financial assistance and support of the UNDP office
in Armenia and Ministry of Economy of the republic.
Association carried out sociological survey on SDI subject among the intellectuals in different regions of Armenia. Results of survey were published in press.
With support of USAID, Save the Children and NGO Training and Resource Centre, the book "Armenia from the Viewpoint of Sustainable Human Development. Evaluated by Nongovernmental Organizations" was prepared and published on Armenian and Russian Languages with Abstract on English.
The president of Association together with representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs participated in processing works of UN Regional Conference on Sustainable Development for countries with economy in transition (Minsk, Belarus,1997), where the joint report was submitted. There was performed also the developed by Association method of transformation HDI to SHDI, which got high evaluation and was published in the Proceedings of Conference.
In 1997 the Association was represented on "Offshore gas and Oil activity" International conference in the Netherlands.
In 1998 Association took part in the Earth Council Regional Consultations on Sustainable Development for New Independent Countries (The Ministry of Nature Protection of RA participated also). The country report by the order of Earth Council was submitted by the president of Association.
President of Association was invited
to the International conference "Women, Empowerment on Sustainable
Future: East-West Partnership" (Rasin, USA,). Dr.Danielyan
gave there a talk "The specific character of the problems
of SD in the countries in transition".
Association participates in the UNEP/GEO regional project. The members of Association (Karine Danielyan and Margarita Korkhmazyan) have been invited to work on Regional (NIS-countries) part of UNEP-GEO project (Global Environmental Outlook) as representatives of Armenia. The drafts of the countries reports were discussed on the regional seminar in Moscow, on 28-30 of November,1998. The Armenian report was recognised as the best one. The work on GEO is in the process of developing.
Association together with the Centre of Constitutional Right and F.Ebert Fund has organised on November 30, 1998 the Seminar "Sustainable Development; Nature and Society" for members of Constitutional Court, NGOs, muss-media, etc.
Association takes active part in the works of Ministry of Nature Protection relevant to NEAP and implementation of environmental conventions, such as Convention on Climate Change, Convention on Combat Desertification, Comvention on Biodiversity and others.
Association has repeatedly appealed
to the Government of Armenia with an offer to form a National
Council on SHD, which is intended to become a body of national
consensus on the country's sustainable development strategy.
Materials on the mission, objectives, function, and tentative
composition of the Council have been presented as well.
Although the issue is periodically discussed, however, the
final decision has not been reached yet.
In March 1999 after our initiation has been organised the joint sitting of Parliament Commission on Social, Health and Environmental issues with participation of members of Association. We got the agreement of Parliament speaker on joint preparing of Parliament hearings on SHD. But in May there were new Parliamentary elections in Armenia and the problem remained undecided.
In June - December 1999 organisation by the support of USAID and Armenian NGO-Centre realised the project "Lobbying the forming of SD policy of Armenia". The main goal of the project was to press the National Parliament to organise the Parliament hearings on this subject and to get the decision on foundation of the National Structure responsible on the SD issues. During the project implementation Association have organised 4 seminars in Yerevan and different regions of Armenia and published two-volume book "Towards Sustainable Development of Armenia".
Since the middle 1999 Association has focused attention to the important international document v ?Earth Charter¦ and established contacts with Earth Council. On the base of Association "For Sustainable Human Development" there was formed the initiative group, which enlarged activity in the field of propaganda and discussion of Earth Charter. We translated the Earth Charter Draft II to Armenian and Russian. Both translations were included in the I volume of above mentioned book "Towards Sustainable Development of Armenia", published in September 1999. Armenian version of Earth Charter was disseminated among participants of seminars, organized by Association during September-November 1999 in the regions of the country (towns Hrazdan, Stepanavan, Vanadzor and Vedy) and in the capital of Armenia -Yerevan. The information on the Document was performed in details in interviews with the President of Association, broadcasted by the National Radio and TV.
In September 1999 Association "For Sustainable Human Development"got the invitation to participate in the international electronic Conference "On-line Discussions Forum on the Earth Charter Benchmark Draft II". In the frames of preparation to the Conference Association has organized the open discussions on Earth Charter. On the base of discussion there was formed the resulted opinion, performed to the On-line Global Forum by its participants Dr. K.Danielyan and Dr. G.Arakelyan.
In 1995-1999 President of Association participated in preparing of five National Reports on SD (UNDP publication) by presenting articles and boxes on environment and SD.
In January-February 2000 according to
the Memorandum of Understanding between Earth Council and
Association, Association jointly with local experts has
prepared the National report for Millennium Global Forum
to be held in New-York in April 22-26, 2000. The National
Report was prepared around CSD8 themes "Sustainable Agriculture
Management", "Financial and economical mechanisms of SD"
and "Sustainable Forests Management". The prepared Report
was discussed by national specialists, scientists, representatives
of National and local Government, Parliament, and NGOs at
the Workshop jointly organised by Association and Earth
Council in February 17-18 2000. The third day of the Workshop,
the 19th February, was dedicated to the discussions of the
Earth Charter. On the discussions participated around 60
participants - representatives of three ministries (Economy,
Nature Protection, Statistics), experts of the Parliament
RoA, academicians, Heads of faculties and sub-faculties,
professors and students of 8 universities of Armenia, Directors
and scientific workers of the 6 research institutes, representatives
of 6 local communities and 17 NGOs (dealing with environmental,
women, charitable, creative, youth, legal issues).
In June-November 2000 Association according the Memorandum of Understanding between association and Earth Council continues propaganda of Earth Charter in Armenia. Many seminars were organized in he different regions of Armenia, published the book "Earth Charter"which contain English, Russian and Armenian versions of Earth Charter and original articles of political, public and scientific figures. In November 8 Association together with Earth Council with assistance of the Commission of Social, Health and Environmental Issues of the National Assembly of RA is organizing the National Conference on Earth Charter.
From 31 March to 2 April 2000 association
participate in First European and Central Asia Regional
Assembly of the World Bank v NGO Working Group in Vilnius
and in September 19-22 in Workshop, organized by CEE Bankwatch
Network and in WB Annual meeting in Prague in September
21-28 2000.
In November 2000 Association together with Earth Council started the new program dedicated to the Rio +10 process. In the framework of this program Association and Earth Council with assistance of the Commission of Social, Health and Environmental Issues of the National Assembly of RA organized in November 6-7 the Regional Orientation Workshop “Preparation to the World Summit “Rio+10” and at November 8 - the National Conference on Earth Charter with participation of NGO's from Georgia and Azerbajdian.
According the new Memorandum of Understanding between Earth Council an association, signed 1 March 2001 , association actively participate in "Rio+10" process. In the framework of this process in assistance of UN DPI, Union of Journalists of RA was organised in March the Journalist competition and in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, Youth Affairs and Sport of Republic of Armenia with the generous support of the Armenian Bar Association, a US non-profit organisation, and the Earth Council organised in June the exhibition-contest “Agenda 21 in Children's Eyes”. The corresponding reports together with the results of competitions was presented to CSD/DESA and Earth Council and located in WSSD Web-site. In the framework of this process association together with Earth Council have organised in June 1, 2001 the National Conference to discuss the non-governmental national report for "Rio+10" World Summit. The English translation of the Report was presented to the to CSD/DESA and located in WSSD Web site.
The conference adopted creation of non-governmental National Council for Sustainable Development. The head of the NCSD was elected Karine Danielyan.
During the Prepcom II Association receive accreditation on WSSD.
Members of Association participated in eight sub-regional and regional Roundtables and seminars dedicated to “ Rio +10” process among them Roundtable in Bishkek (Aug. 2001), Golitsino, Russia (June 2001), Moskow (November 2001), Regional meeting in Geneva , September 2001.
In June 2001 Association signed
Memorandum of Understanding with UNEP/ROE to be a National
According the Memorandum, signed with Earth Council in September 2001 association became the status of South Caucasian Regional Centre for Sustainable Development. Under realisation of this project was organised the electronic list-server to disseminate the information on sustainable development and preparation to WSSD.
In October 2001 the Youth
section of the Association by support of USAID and
World Learning-Armenia together with Geographical Society
of Armenia and Karavan- NGO began realisation of the project "Evaluation and priority improvement activities of Hrazdan
Gorge ecological condition". Duration of this project is
one year.